Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunday Stuff

I went to the library yesterday and as you can see, I'm on a bit of a self help, self healing mission. I was looking for The Secret which I've never read, but this is the only book they had by that author. I've heard good things, so I thought I'd give it a chance. I mentioned the other day that I feel like I'm in a funk, and I desperately want to pull myself out of it. I want to make the life that I want, and only I can do it. So maybe these books can help. I've also always been interested in Ayurvedic medicine, so I was really excited to find this book in the vegan cookbook section.
I also got some groceries and decided to try this ginger beer while I waited for my bus. I don't know why I've always been scared to try ginger beer. I guess it's because I thought it would have that fake taste that so many ginger ales have. But this was absolutely AHMAZING! Very refreshing, with a very natural ginger taste. I can see this being a regular treat during the summer. And it was only one dollar for a bottle which is much cheaper than other ginger beers I've seen.
I forgot to take a picture of my haul because I was kind of upset when I got home. When I was at Smith's the cashier asked me how many cats I have, and after I told her she said something bad happened at her apartment building and "she just had to tell someone" and she proceeded to tell me this story that I won't repeat but it was very sad. Some people have no clues about boundaries. You tell things that are burdens to you to friends, family, close coworkers, whatever. Not a random stranger who has the misfortune of going through your line at the grocery. Anyway, I just kind of had a dark cloud over my head when I got home. I didn't get anything exciting anyway. The usual lemons, smoothie stuff, tofu and potatoes with some spices and condiments thrown in for good measure.

I did find something new at Trader Joe's. They now have seasoning salt! I used to love using seasoning salt on fries and also popcorn. But when I look at the ingredients of a lot of the seasoning salts there are a lot of weird, hard to pronounce ingredients that I try to avoid. But this version has onion, garlic, sea salt, paprika, celery seed, dry mustard and nutmeg. I used some on my oven wedges and they were so incredible! Now I just need to buy some popping corn! I was going to get the everything bagel seasoning that Sarah loves so much, but they were sold out.
And here's Joan and Roxy watching birds on YouTube. It's so funny, Roxy is content just watching, but Joan is always trying to get under the laptop, or behind it trying so hard to get those dang birds!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "You'll never go wrong if you act with compassion."

    I know it can be a drag when someone burdens you with unpleasant or upsetting information, but try to think that maybe that grocery clerk had no one else to talk to about her troubles. Maybe she isn't close to her co-workers and her friends think she's crazy to care about animals so much. She saw you buying cat food and reached out to you for sympathy or a kind, understanding ear. Please don't think I'm lecturing you, I just feel that, in these hate-filled, self-serving times, it's probably best for us "woke" folks to fault on the side of compassion rather than anger.

    1. I wasn't angry, and I certainly didn't act angry towards her. But she was almost smirking when she told me the story, like we were besties having a gossip. When I tried to make a few suggestions to help the animal, she seemed to have no genuine interest or emotion in making things better. So that's why I felt frustrated. I also already had a bad day, and didn't really have the emotional energy to take her story on when I'm just trying to buy cat food. No matter how "woke" I am.

    2. Wow, she was smirking? That's just weird, huh? The way you told the story originally didn't suggest that. Geez, that really is a drag.

    3. Yes, she was smirking and the whole convo just felt toxic and inappropriate. It made me wish I was one of those people who gives off a rough, don't talk to me kind of vibe.

  3. I heard about the Secret from the podcast Oh No! Ross and Carrie. They do research for a lot of religions and alternative medicines and try to evaluate the effectiveness of them. They went to the Kabbalah center and basically were like "Oh this is like the secret- only you spend money on it" After hearing that I always wanted to pick up the book.

    1. I've heard a lot over the years about The Secret, and at first I thought it was a super religious book, but since learning that it isn't I've been wanting to read it. I know it's helped a lot of people, and I'm hoping I can be one of those people.
      I'm going to check out that podcast, thanks for the tip it sounds right up my alley!

  4. That's a shame about the conversation with the cashier. Especially seeing in your comments that she was smirking. Sounds like maybe she was trying to provoke a reaction? Jerk move.

    1. That was my takeaway from the conversation. Now I know to avoid her line when I go back!

  5. All I remember from reading "The Secret" was the takeaway of the Law of Attraction; like attracts like. I tried it. Practiced the mantra of telling the Universe "I'm ready to receive the bounties you have to bestow upon me" - stuff like that. I just try to keep my karma in check and be open to any possibility. I hope you find the book and like it. I think as animal lovers, we have open hearts anyway ;)

    1. I'm definitely working on changing my mindset. Coming from a self destructive past, being open to positive opportunities is new, and I'm definitely a work in progress.


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