Monday, February 6, 2017

Spices, Condiments and Cats!

I figured I'd start a Monday morning post with some cuteness. Etta is not thrilled to have been woken up by Kanye wanting to play, but like a good auntie she went along with it. Don't you just wanna get Kanye's belly?? I love how it's only striped in the very center!
Makes oven fries soooo tasty!

So amazing on spinach salads!

These are two of my favorite spices/condiments ever! I can't believe I've never had the peanut vinaigrette before! If I but dressing at Trader Joe's, I usually go for the Goddess dressing which is on a shelf by the oils, and this is kept cold. At my Trader Joe's it's actually next to the bagged lettuce. It's peanut-y with a kick of vinegar and a little spice. It's definitely not too spicy but it is soooo amazing. And the 21 seasoning salute is so amazing on oven fries! I feel like they need less salt when I use this. I used both of these for a super simple but rally tasty dinner.
I had a little bit of leftover tofu so I baked it up with a few potatoes and sprinkled it all with salt, pepper, and the seasoning salute and served it with some spinach drizzled with the vinaigrette. I dipped my fries in Just Ranch, and the tofu in spicy mustard and sriracha. This was a super simple but really tasty meal. Sriracha and spicy mustard taste really good mixed together. Life would be so boring without condiments!!
And this is why I can never properly make my bed! I just never have the heart to make them move. An unmade bed used to drive me bonkers, but I've learned to just go with the flow. What can I say, these girls pretty much rule this apartment!! Not included in the bundle is Kanye, who is currently sleeping in the closet on an old fleece.
I'm sure a lot of you saw this, but if you missed it, Melissa McCarthy did a spot on, absolutely hilarious Sean Spicer skit on SNL, and it made me laugh soooo hard. I'm finding that in order to stay on top of the disaster that is Trump's presidency, laughter is very important to balance out the depression and anger. Anyway, if you haven't seen it, it is sooooo worth eight minutes of your life! Here's a link.
Happy Monday!!

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