Friday, August 19, 2016

Cats, Couches, and Interviews!!

Afro and Etta cuddles
I finally got a better picture of Etta. This is one of their favorite places to sleep. In between my bed and the wall. I wanted to push my bed against the wall, le sigh.
I got a new to me used couch yesterday, and the fam is stoked. The couch came courtesy of Rachel, who I met through my GoFundMe page, and she actually gave me the idea to move to Salt Lake! We finally met last night, she and her boyfriend Matt took me to this cool Scottish/English pub that serves vegan fish and chips! I mean how awesome is this world, you can get vegan fish and chips.They use gardein, and let me tell you those fishless filets are even better when fried!! I was enjoying the conversation so much, I forgot to take a picture!
Look at how happy Joan is!

Kanye looking for a bug!
I have an interview today at a restaurant near my apartment. I feel safest working close to home until I figure this city out. It's also next to the bank I plan on using. Super convenient since I'll have to make lots of deposits with tips and all. The restaurant is a pancake house, so not vegan and some of the grossest smells in the world are bacon and runny ass eggs, but hey a gals gotta do what a gals gotta do. I also applied for several freelance writing gigs. One is blogging for a vegan lifestyle and supplements company. I also placed an ad on Craigslist for dog walking. I definitely want/need/desire to do something so much more than serving food. But there is plenty of time to make that happen, this is just to get me through until I'm DISCOVERED! Ha ha! Also, as I've been typing this, I've gotten my first text about my dog walking ad! As goofy as it might sound, for years I've dreamed of walking dogs as my main source of income. I love walking, it's one thing I'm super good at, and I love dogs, and spending time with dogs. And, I am so sick of the type of jobs I've done all my life. I don't need to be rich, I just wish I could feel more fulfilled with my low paying work. Anyway, it feels nice to feel like things are possible again. To go from hopeless to hopeful is a really nice transition.
I found this book at a thrift store here in SLC as the locals call it(I'm getting so hip) and if you haven't read Steve Martin, you should! I read Shop Girl a few years ago, probably like five or six years ago and was blown away by how he writes about women. He has a deep understanding of the female mind that makes me want to find out how he came to know us so well. And this book is no different. The pages fly by, and I just want to read his words for the rest of my life. This was the best two dollars I've spent in my life. It feels good to be reading again.
Since the start of this post till now, I think I've gotten my first dog walking client! Woot woot! Maybe I'll end up with a dog walking empire, and I'll make the cover of Forbes magazine!
I guess sometimes in life throwing caution to the wind, moving to a whole new state, being scared shitless, getting lost a million times is just what you  need to change your life in a more positive direction. Am I starring in  my own Sandra Bullock movie? Am I a plucky survivor?
Wish me luck at my interview! And of course, Happy Friday!


  1. Yay, for Rachel and what a nice couch. Joan looks completely regal lying there! That is so cool you had vegan fish and chips. In ten years I've only had it twice, once at a posh veggie restaurant and the other time at a vegan fayre. Did the pub have vegan haggis? There is a Scottish haggis company that makes a vegan version and we saw a pub in Sheffield that made the ultimate vegan fusion food with it of haggis pakora! Great idea about looking for other work outlets, that's so exciting that you are already getting interest for the dog walking. The blogging is a great idea too. I did a vegan review blog for a couple of years for an iphone App. I didn't get paid but I got lots of free food and I could choose which companies to approach. It was a lot of fun and good experience. I will have to check out the Steve Martin books as I've not heard of those and they sound interesting. I'm trying to get back into reading again. Lots of the luck with the job interview!

    1. I didn't see vegan haggis on this menu, but I saw a video, maybe it was buzzfeed where they tasted vegan hagis, and they actually really liked it! I think reviewing vegan food is so fun, I hope to find more ways to do it!
      Steve Martin just has a really beautiful way of putting words together. I want him to tell me a story every night before I go to sleep. I've found both of his books at thrift stores, which is an added bonus!

  2. That is awesome that you met Rachel through your GoFundMe; sounds like a great dinner! Good luck with your interview today! How exciting about the dog walking & getting your first client already; I'm sure you'll meet some nice people & lots of cute pups with that job! :D

    1. I can't believe how fast everything is coming together. I really feel like the universe is letting me know that I'm going in the right direction!

  3. Good luck with the interview! And with your first dog walking client. :) Sounds like things are coming together. That's great to you got to meet an online friend in your new city. I haven't read any of Steve Martin's books, I didn't knew he wrote books! I had to Google to make sure it was the same Steve Martin. Will definitely keep an eye out for them.

    1. Thank you! Things really are coming together, so even though I keep getting lost, I have to believe I'm doing something right! I never knew Steve Martin wrote books either, until I came across Shop Girl at a thrift shop. He has a really beautiful way with words.

  4. Congrats on getting a dog walking job. My friend use to do dog walking in Philadelphia and she loved all the exercise she got from it (biking all around town + the dog walking part)

    I was wondering why SLC when you posted about it. It is nice to see that it has all the small town friendliness that southern Utah has. My husband and I walked my dog when visiting my parents in southern Utah and he was thrown off by all the people who said hi to us. XD We kept asking if I knew that person, and now it rubbed off on him and he says hi to everyone we pass if we go for a walk.


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