Thursday, June 2, 2016

When I Dip You Dip We Dip

I decided to start the post with more cat cuddles! I went to pet Chunk, and didn't realize that Kanye had nestled herself in there too. Chunk stretched out a little as he does. He likes to look his best in pictures you know! If you're wondering why there's a towel under them on my bed, it's because for whatever reason, my cats love towels. So, I put a towel next to where I sleep in the bed, and now I always have someone sleeping with me. Cats.
During one of my no computer having days, I whipped up a pretty tasty mac and cheese using sweet potato. I basically used Buzzfeed's vegan mac and cheese recipe, but I didn't use any cashews and I used sweet potato instead of regular. I also added classic vegan ingredients to the sauce like tahini, and miso pate to add to the tang. It turned out much better than expected. It was incredibly rich, to be honest I'm glad I was out of cashews because I think it would have been too much.
It was still really thick and creamy even with no cashews. And the miso and tahini helped counter the sweetness from the potatoes. I love all of the versions of mac and cheese I've tried since going vegan!
For dinner last night I made an old fave, tofu rice lettuce wraps! I made a tasty dipping sauce with hoisin sauce, sriracha, and a little Trader Joe's soyaki. It was a super simple, but tasty meal.
I had this great idea that everything would look great on this wood platter, but alas it didn't pop the way I had imagined. There's something I find so satisfying about this meal. I'm a big fan of different textures, and also I like the warm rice and tofu with cool lettuce. And of course I'm like a toddler in that I love to dip my food! And I like eating with my hands, silverware is SO overrated.
I was watching a video on YouTube the other day, and guess what I found out? Trader Joe's now has vegan mochi in their freezer section! It's mango mochi and in the center instead of ice cream, it's mango jelly or jam or something like that! I will be checking for that the next time I go to Trader Joe's for sure! I love the texture of mochi! Between this and the vegan marshmallows, Trader Joe's is making for a very sweet vegan summer! I have to go there in the next few days to stock up for part two of my budget challenge, so hopefully they will have both items!
Happy Thursday!


  1. Ha! I made myself lettuce wraps for dinner tonight too!! Brilliant minds..... ;) in mine i used sauteed onions, garlic, tofu, cumin, shredded carrots and cabbage, then wrapped up with the filling and some fresh cilantro, avocado, and salsa. Totally messy to eat and killer hot/cold/crunchy/soft texture combo.
    I haven't used rice before in a lettuce wrap but now i see you have it's so obvious! And any time there's a hand held dippable food that's a huge bonus ;)

    Your cats are SO adorable!!! My parents cats have towels to sleep on too- which started as an attempt to control the cat hair but they totally love to sleep on them. Simple pleasures....

    1. Wow, your lettuce wraps sound delicious, and way fancier than my very basic wraps! Rice kind of helps make everything stay in the lettuce leaves a little better, makes them a little less messy. But I love messy food!
      The towels really do help with cat hair too! I really think people can learn from cats enjoyment of "simple pleasures" Even if I leave a paper towel on the couch, someone will sleep on it like it's the golden pillow!

  2. I read your post and needed to stop at Trader Joe's and they had the mango mochi! I've never had mochi before and it sure is delicious. It made up for the sadness I felt when I heard a guy next to me say "Yes! The last box of lime fruit floes." I was hoping to try those too. If it weren't for you guys, I'd bypass all the good stuff at TJ's.

    1. I'm so glad you found the mango mochi!!! I can't wait to try them myself. I hope all the Seattle vegans haven't bought them out! I really need to try those fruit floes, I've heard good things and I love love LOVE limes! Let me know what you think of the mochi!

  3. I never thought of making my own Lettuce Wraps. The Mr. loves them and I wouldnt have to turn on the oven, great idea!

    1. Thanks! It's funny that you say that because I was thinking when I made these how this is one of my favorite summer meals because it's not a lot of cooking.

  4. good googly-schmoogly! The last comment was suppose to post to this entry sorry if it was on another one laptop is possessed lately...

  5. I stopped by Trader Joe's the other day and I found the mango mochi (but forgot to look for the marshmallows, oops!) and they are AMAZING! They also had kung pao cauliflower. I figured I would give it a try on a day I don't feel like thinking about my food.

    1. I know, the mochi are my dessert of the summer! I didn't see Kung Pao cauliflower, is it in the frozen section? I have to look for that the next time I'm there!

    2. It was in the freezer section with the frozen veggies and fruit. I rarely go there so it was kind-of a fluke.


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