Thursday, June 16, 2016

Gluten Free and Gluten Full

I ventured out yesterday to get a few things, and to take a walk through Ballard to lift my spirits. There's something soothing about all of the Bernie signs and bumper stickers, and I swear you can taste the open mindedness. When I lived in Seattle before, I got so bogged down by life, and my almost constant struggles that I took the progressive tone of this city for granted. But, while I was living in Erie, I longed for Seattle sooooooooooo much. I had gotten so used to liberal people, that being in backwoods Erie where you can feel and taste the racism and misery, I was suffocating.  That's why these hate filled attacks actually shock me less than before. Because I saw with my own eyes the severe amount of ignorant hatred there is in just one city, and there are cities much worse than Erie.So, after this hate filled past weekend, seeing all of the rainbows and signs of unity really made me feel better. Plus, I got to meet the SWEETEST French bulldog puppy that gave me tons of kisses, and it was just what I needed. I wish I had taken a picture, but alas I didn't bring my phone or camera.
I picked up a few things at a bigger Safeway, and they had more varieties of graham crackers, and not a one was vegan! FYI, Honey Maid, the brand apparently really means business because honey is an ingredient in all of their flavors that I saw. I haven't eaten, or thought about a dang graham cracker in years, and now I am desperate to find some! Life is funny that way.
Crinkle cut fries, white tea with cucumber(super yum), potatoes,and frozen fruit medley

booch,tofu,gardein gluten free burgers(new to me) pineapple juice,oranges, and Chao!!!! and Havarti jalapeno daiya
I was looking for the gardein beefless burgers, and these gluten free ones were in the spot. These are different than the chipotle black bean burgers, which I know are gluten free as well. These are made with brown rice and veggies.
Here's a close up of the bag. I have never seen these, have you? I feel so behind the gardein game! I like to be up on all the newest! It looks like maybe a "beefier" version of the original gardenburger? I used to love those burgers so much!
For dinner I had kind of a fail, but an edible fail. I had some leftover pesto sauce, and some tofurky roasted chik'n, so I wanted to make like a pesto chicken pizza, which I see on pizza menus a lot. I used the same recipe I always do for the dough, but for whatever reason the dough was extremely hard for me to work with once it had risen. I feel like my energy got transferred into the dough, and all of my negative emotions made it super testy. So, the crust was wayyyyyy too thick, but the toppings were good!
I just kind of sliced each slice in half to make it less like a huge slab of bread with some stuff on it. Like I said, I know it isn't the recipe, because seriously I have used the same recipe for years. It was totally me. Oh well, at least it was edible, and today is another day right?
If you're into Starbucks, this might interest you!
Happy Thursday!


  1. I know it has been difficult to come to terms with the events... especially when you just know that it is going to happen again and again until action has been taken to get guns off the street. What has been helping me and my friends in Orlando is to focus on all of the love and support and kindness that people have shown in the days following the attacks. The best of humanity comes after the worst moments and reading stories of the outpouring of love and support has helped tremendously.

    My pizza dough puffs up and gets huge every time I make homemade pizza. I don't know why! It does look good though. I never eat veggie burgers but I decided to pick up some of the boca vegan burgers the last time I was at the store. We seem to be on the same wavelength :)

    I know the Nabisco regular graham crackers are vegan. If you don't have access to them I can probably find them here, I'd be happy to send you a box! Just let me know and I can give you my e-mail so I can get your info!

    1. I did feel better seeing all the support.
      I love the Boca vegan burgers, they're one of my faves!
      I'm going to one other store today, and if they don't have them I will try the vegan store, after that I give up! Thanks, and I'll definitely let you know if I need to take you up!

  2. Puppy kisses instantly make a bad day into a better day. Am I the only one who absolutely loves puppy breath? :)

    1. I could have let him kiss me all day, but his human looked like I was bordering on stalking!

  3. Strange how you go looking for something simple and it just turns into an epic saga...!
    I ran out of my favorite trader joe's meatless balls so i tried the much more expensive ones from gardein- previously I haven't been the biggest fan of theirs but I really don't buy much faux meat. Anyways, the meatless balls were quite good but larger than those from TJs and a different texture.
    That pink drink looks like fun! (But I really only get regular coffee or an iced doubel espresso at starbucks and add a splash of soy)

    1. I made the gardein meatless balls for an omni friend who did not care for the texture. I remember he was surprised because normally gardein products get a thumbs up. I'm getting some of Trader Joe's balls the next time I'm there. I'm randomly craving a meatless ball hoagie!

  4. I think you either 1) over kneaded the dough or 2) added too much flour, which isn't hard since using a measuring cup isn't very accurate. I hope it turns out better next time.

    1. I think it was too much flour, because I was upset about something when I was measuring the dough, and I wasn't that diligent about perfect measurements. I kind of could tell when I was mixing it that it was a little dry. Next time, if I'm upset, I'll save pizza for another time!

  5. I've had my go-arounds with doughy foods...remember my vegan mac and cheese pizza?

  6. PS: Annie's used to have a vegan graham cracker but it's been a LONG time since I have seen them!


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