Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sunday Stuff

Warning, this video is not vegan, but it isn't really meaty either, it's more Kraft mac and cheese-y. But it's a great example of what a lot of people think you have to eat if you're on a super tight budget. I don't claim to be an expert when it comes to many things, but eating on a budget is something that I know like the back of my hand. Lentil soup makes you feel sooooooo much better than Top Ramen. I've always felt like Top Ramen not only gives me no nutrients, but oddly I feel like it sucks life out of me. I guess I'm lucky in that I wasn't allowed to eat stuff like that as a kid, so it's not a fall back for me like it is for a lot of people I know. It's funny, as a kid I just wanted our family to eat crap like everyone else, but now as an adult I am so GRATEFUL that I was raised by a health food fanatic. Usually, when you're super poor, you're working really hard trying to get not so poor, so filling your body with junk makes life harder and makes you weaker.
Today is going to be a shorter post because my vacuum cleaner has a clog in it, and I have to find a way to unclog it! I sent an Email to Hoover, because this vacuum has been problematic from the jump, and the response I got was so RUDE and also sterile, in other words it was very corporate. They informed me that clogs aren't listed in the warranty, which I never asked about because I didn't know I had a clog!They were very defensive, and it almost made me feel like I was in the wrong or something, when all I did was explain what was going on, and asked what should I do? Anyway, they have decided I have a clog, and I need to pull this thing apart to try to get at the clog, and I have to be honest, I am scared. I barely know what a screwdriver is, and I'm scared that maybe I'll get it apart, but won't be able to put it back together. I already have a few mystery screws that have come out, and I don't know where they go. Anyway, it's really not cool. They mentioned checking a belt, and a brush, and taking the tube apart, and I mean I'm not a repair person, ya know! Not to mention, these kind of projects are always super fun with nosy kitties.
This was my dinner last night. Kind of boring, but I had one of those days where I needed a hug from some mashed potatoes.
Happy Sunday!


  1. I like ramen, but not a huge fan of top ramen. I usually defend it, pointing out htat ramen isn't the WORST if you add some veggies to them. Yeah, the sodium is bad, but if you aren't eating all processed foods, it doesn't have to be an issue. Funny thing is that I NEVER ate that bad in college. lol I think it had to do with the fact that we had a small kitchen in my dorm room, and then I lived in apartments after that. Nor did I ever have a meal plan, so I never ate junky cafeteria foods. I didn't grow up in a SUPER healthy house, but much more healthy and vegetarian friendly than most homes. It really made veganism seem fairly normal.

    1. I love Ramen too, but not top ramen, it reminds me too much of very poor days, and dark times. I once had a boss who said top ramen was a "comfort"food to her, and I said You must have never been too poor to eat anything else, and she agreed.
      I feel the same way, although my mom's health food ways drove me nuts as a kid, I have come to appreciate it as an adult, and I agree veganism feels very familiar.

  2. I think mine might be more 'eating from my pantry' and $5 per day! LOL LOVE this idea tho! I sometimes try and go for as long as I can with that challenge...might have to do that again soon! Right now I will just play along as I can :)

    1. Hey, eating from the pantry is even more thrifty!


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