Thursday, May 5, 2016

Just Vegan Goodness

I ran in to Target yesterday for a few things, and they are finally carrying the Just Mayo salad dressings! I've been waiting with baited breath for soooo long! They still don't have the cookie dough, but hopefully that's coming next. The good and bad news is that they were sold out of the ranch. Dang ranch loving vegans! But that also makes me soooo happy! They have Just Thousand, Just Ranch, and Just Sweet which I assume is "honey" mustard. As I'm typing this, I realize that I should have inspected the mystery dressing, but I was so happily surprised, and also frustrated with myself that I didn't have my camera or my phone with me to take a picture, that it just didn't occur to me. I guess that is a major blogging fail time two! Even though I don't need more salad dressing, I still had to get the Just Thousand! I have some Beast Burgers in my freezer, so I thought maybe someday soon I will get some buns and try to recreate a vegan Big Mac type of thing, using the dressing as my special sauce. I feel like I will use it as more of a sauce or dip than a salad dressing.
I also had to get this new to me Califia Farms creamer. Hello caramel pecan! This is a new to me, and a new to Target flavor. That is also excellent news, it means the original two flavors of this creamer are selling well enough to bring in a third!  I also noticed that They've expanded they're meatless section in the freezer. It used to be labeled "meat alternatives" but now the section is much bigger, and it's labeled "plant based proteins" or "plant based meats" I was so excited about the change that I forgot the details. When I fail, I like it to be from all angles, no rock left untturned and all that!
I like plant based protein better, so I hope it's that. Anyway, All of these changes in little old Target is pretty exciting. I was exposed to some graphic images yesterday that had me feeling so sad and helpless, and this made me feel a little bit better. I know none of it is enough, but in fighting what can feel like a never ending battle, you need to see the progress to keep going.
I made a play on vegan butter chicken last night. I watched this video awhile ago, and it's been sticking in the back of my mind that I needed to try this. By the way, this is one of my favorite YouTube channels, their recipes are really mouthwatering. I changed the recipe a little, I used some chickpeas I had laying around, and I used three tablespoons of tomato paste with 3/4 C. water in place of crushed tomatoes. I also didn't use any vegan butter in the sauce or the rice. I felt like the full fat coconut milk made it more than rich enough. This dish was so tasty, and the leftovers are even better, cause I just had some for breakfast.
This was rich, and creamy and just Yum. I am so excited that I'm finally getting the hang of working with curry. I used to always add way too much, or not enough, and everything in between.
I also used the Tofurky slow roasted Chick'n for the main star. The chickpeas were just extra fun.
I really like this product. It comes in chunks, and I like that they're different sizes, makes it seem homemade. It's a really good texture, and flavor. It would be very easy to shred for shredded type recipes. Sandwiches, enchiladas? They have a BBQ one too, which I tried a long time ago and liked. I don't know why Tofurky is so made fun of, I guess the name. But I have always enjoyed their foods.
Because the cuteness behind the Tofurky isn't quite enough, here's one more to really make your Thursday GREAT!
I've never seen three of them cram onto one level before. Poor Etta was there first, and Kanye and Scrappy decided to have no respect for personal space. In the end, Etta gave up and Scrappy and Kanye napped there for the rest of the afternoon! Cats!


  1. I wish JustMayo would make it down here (after Ben & Jerry's). Love how you plate your Indian Food. Cant believe how much your cats love each other.

    1. Thanks! I know, I really lucked out with this group.

  2. The kitty cuddling photos are too cute for words!!

    Your target get some great stuff- i love that they are carrying more vegan products- because I don't think it's only vegans buying. I mean, who thinks "oh, target, that's where vegans shop for groceries" ;))
    I love the Califa creamer, i usually get the vanilla but it's only sold in specific stores so I don't buy it as often as i would like to. (Califa almond milk is easy to find now so hopefully the creamers will be soon as well)
    Sounds like a delicious indian dinner- curry definitely takes some finesse to get the right amount

    1. That's what I think too, there is no way it's only vegans. Especially because the Just Mayo products are right there with the non vegan mayos and dressings.
      I just opened the pecan caramel creamer, and it's just as good as I'd hoped! Love that stuff.

  3. That pic of the kitty hug? I can't. I just can't! :)

  4. haha, that picture of the cats is fantastic. Wonder if they've ever managed to get all four of them on there! Who knows what they are up to when you are out!

  5. can't wait to get my hands on the other JUST products! WOW!!!!!


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