Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mental Health Day

Although I was feeling a little better yesterday, I just couldn't handle Trader Joe's on not only a Saturday, but the day before Mother's Day? I almost cried just thinking about it. I just ran to Grocery Outlet and Safeway for a few things to get me through the weekend, and then I will do a proper shop that includes more fruit and vegetables. Sometimes you just have to take care of your mental health.
potatoes,lemons,booch,pinto beans,ground ginger,ground turmeric,ocho candy bars,and a superfood smoothie
Grocery Outlet had the Odwalla superfood smoothie for ninety- nine cents, I had to get it. I haven't had one of these in a thousand years! I also found these veggie stock things. I like the cubes, or smaller things like this over the cartons because I don't use veggie stock every day, and it just sits in my fridge stressing me out.
Yes, I found a five pound bag of organic flour for $2.49!  Because of all of my savings, I treated myself to the new Veg News magazine.  As you can see on the cover, they talk a lot about pizza, which inspired my dinner last night. I decided on a whim to try a cornmeal crust pizza using some masa flour mixed with AP flour. I used this recipe. I used masa flour instead of cornmeal, and I also didn't add any oil, which I think was a mistake. I'm still getting the hang of the oil thing. I have no desire to go strictly oil free, but I have been trying to cut back, and to be honest I feel like a lot of recipes use too much when it isn't needed. But, sometimes a small amount is needed, and in the case of this dough I would say oil is needed. Taste wise it was a little strange at first to have that corn flavor in a pizza dough. I went with a taco like pizza, so it worked but if I were making a more traditional pizza with red sauce I would skip the corn flour.
I used salsa as a sauce, and put red onions, pinto beans and daiya on top. After it was done baking, I sprinkled green onion and cilantro on top. It was pretty dang tasty. I forgot that salsa is excellent on pizza!
Today is a drizzle-y grey day here in Seattle, I plan on being low key and doing a little cleaning and podcast listening and taking a ginger detox bath with some epsom salts to relieve my achy body from all the high intensity cardio I've been doing. I don't know if it's helping me lose weight, but it sure is making me feel strong! What are your plans for this mother of a day? ( I know I'm unbearable)


  1. Great looking 'fusion' style Pizza. The day is almost over, you made it through.

  2. Leftover stock in cartons stresses me out too! Use in 7 to 10 days or else! Putting the leftovers in ice cube trays got gross so I try to use half the carton then put the rest in the freezer and when I need it, I just rip it open & put the frozen block in a pot. I really should try cubes....

    1. That's a good idea about freezing the carton, I've never done that! The veggie cubes have saved me a lot of stress, and they aren't too expensive either.

  3. I find busy supermarket trips wayyyyy too overwhelming a lot of the time and LOVE ordering my groceries online. I'm glad you took care of yourself and made pizza! Sounds like a good plan :)

    1. Me too! It's just so overwhelming! I've never ordered groceries online, but every time i shop when it's busy, I swear I'm going to start!

  4. Taco pizza sounds like a yummy idea. I have older salsa that I made this summer (with lactofermentation) and I think that might really yummy to use as the base. I should give it a try!

    1. You should! I really like it, I used to get a veganised taco pizza from some shop years ago, I just switched out black beans for meat, and vegan cheese for regular. It's really good, and makes pizza a whole new thing.

  5. I so want that pizza right now :)


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