Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Random Wednesday

Chocolate, coconut milk, hazelnut creamer, ginger breakfast tea and kitties
I was in the neighborhood of Grocery Outlet yesterday so I stopped in to see what they had. They had the So delicious hazelnut coffee creamer for only ninety nine cents, so that was a huge score! The ginger breakfast tea is just okay. I like some of Stash's teas, and this one is okay, but it isn't even close to ginger-y enough to call itself ginger breakfast tea.
Green juice I've missed you so!
I also picked up some kale, apples, and potatoes at Safeway. I made this juice with said kale and apples. I'm thinking of boycotting Safeway for awhile. I played the last of my Monopoly tickets yesterday, and I didn't even win a can of peas! All those times I chose Safeway over other stores, and all that time I spent for nothing. The game is so dull and monotonous, I can't believe how duped I feel. Anyway, the juice soothed my worked over nerves.

For dinner I made tacos for Taco Tuesday. I used Beyond Chicken and cannellini beans for the filling, and topped the with thinly sliced jalapenos, green onion and avocado. It was really tasty, and I forgot how much I love the fresh taste of raw jalapeno.
I'm planning on doing another week of five dollar a day meals, this time shopping at Trader Joe's and Grocery Outlet. Maybe I'll do it next week. I was going to do the challenges back to back, but I just haven't felt like going to Trader Joe's. I also haven't felt like making a list, so as soon as I'm a little recharged, I'll start part two. I think it's going to be much easier to eat on a budget using these two stores.
Happy Wednesday!


  1. Yes, it is so much easier to eat on a budget at Trader Joe's! I'm going to take a week off from Whole Foods this week and go there to give my wallet a little break. The tacos sound delicious! I'm not a fan of green juice typically but that one looks like health in a glass :)

  2. I can only handle green juice when it has lots of fruit in it. This tasted more like apples than kale for sure! I bought one onetime and it was VERY green, I don't even think I finished it!

  3. I really enjoyed reading your challenge and seeing how creative you got with ingredients and how you got a good variety of foods into the week. Look forward to the next one. Could you give the tea a bit more oomph by adding a bit of fresh ginger?

    1. Thank you so much! I think I will try adding some sliced ginger, maybe even turmeric root! Thanks for the suggestion! And perfect timing, I'm off to Trader Joe's!

  4. You're so lucky to be close to a grocery outlet! Great finds. I have tried that tea and agree it needs more oomph to be called ginger tea. I think i just added fresh lemon juice but the fresh ginger idea from the previous comment is a better one.
    Your tacos sound yummy!

    1. I love Grocery Outlet. It's so easy to save money. It's great for someone like me who isn't much of a planner!
      I just realized I didn't post a picture of the tacos! But I have a picture! Wow, I knew I was in a bit of a funk, but this is ridiculous. It might be time to take some Ginko Biloba or something!

  5. I love seeing what you get from Grocery Outlet since there isn't one near me. It is a little too far of a drive to justify the trip.

    1. When I lived in Erie, I missed Grocery Outlet soooo much!! There were discount groceries, but they sold really super processed, crap food and not many vegan options, so it wasn't the same thing at all.

  6. I haven't found a Grocery Outlet anywhere even close to me...Philly maybe???? But that is 6 or 7 hours from me! LOL

    1. There is one in Chamberburg PA, though that might still be a drive.

    2. I know there are several in PA, but when I lived in Erie there were none close enough, especially without a car!


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