Thursday, March 25, 2021

Vegan Bolognese, Garlic-y Ramen and Minty Mrs. Meyer's!

 Simple Truth is Kroger/Fred Meyer/Smith's and I think Ralph's store brand organic line. In the last year or two, they have been really taking care of us vegans. It seems like almost every time I'm at Smith's, I see a new vegan goodie! They  have cheese slices and shreds, deli slices and even sausages. Both the slices and sausages are gluten based and seem very similar to tofurky. I've been on a tofurky kick lately, so I will try the slices one of these days. 

What I can say about the Simple Truth line based on things I've tried so far is that when they nail it, they really nail it, and when they bomb it's nuclear. They make a vegan queso that is perfection. It's so freaking good. I also love their vegan Alfredo. It's not better than homemade, but for something quick and easy, ten out of ten. 

Then we go to their vegan cream cheese which was so bad I threw it out, and also their vegan ice cream bars were a huge no too. I haven't thrown them out yet, but I question why they're still in my freezer when I know I won't eat them!

I've had a jar of their vegan Bolognese sauce in my pantry for months. I bought it when I was still gluten free, and I remember not wanting to waste it on gluten free pasta! The other day I finally decided to give it a try. 

Before I go into how much I didn't like this, I will say that I have never had Bolognese sauce vegan or not. But, based on this version I never want to give it a second chance! It's made with red beans, celery, carrots, miso paste and seasonings and veggie puree. It's very carrot forward, but in a weird way, and the ingredients don't list the spices individually, but there's a spice or herb that I hate in this sauce. It's something I can't recognize but yuk. This was so bad I could not finish my meal and the rest of the sauce had to go!

I had tossed in a few Ikea vegan balls (he he) that needed to be used, so I was like a little kid picking out the balls and leaving the rest!! 

I found this on sale and decided to give it a try. It's pretty tasty, they mean it when they say garlic-y! My only complaint is that this is not a meal on it's own in my opinion. To really fill you up you would either need to add more to the soup or have something else with it. 

Moving a bit away from food, I love Mrs. Meyer's cleaning products! they have the best scents, and really work! If you see this mint dish soap, grab it because it's limited edition so it won't be around long. It's minty but in a very gentle, almost flowery way. I wish I were better at describing things, but minty flowers is always what I think when I use it! Ten out of ten, I already bought again!!


  1. Mrs. Meyers has always been some of the nicest things! Pricey compared to some others but good.

    Sorry the pasta sauce was terrible.

  2. Sounds like they are a brand of extremes! Sorry the pasta sauce was no good. I normally like bolognese. There are a couple of brands I can buy here that are OK (they are both refrigerated), but normally I have made it from recipes.


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