Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Miyoko's Vegan Garlic Parm Butter and Unreal Peanut Butter Cups!


Although Miyoko's cashew and oat butter are pretty easy to find around me, the garlic parm oat butter has been more elusive. I had almost given up hope of ever trying it until Saturday when I stumbled across it at Natural Grocers, and to make it even sweeter, it was on sale!

Yesterday I took a mental health day. I was feeling very overwhelmed and extremely anxious all last week, and I needed a day. I've been feeling very homesick for Seattle, so I decided to make lentil soup. Since I perfected my lentil soup skills in Seattle, it seemed very appropriate. I picked up some fresh baked bread to make garlic bread. Soup and bread, one of my favorite combos!

I had some leftover violife Parmesan so I shredded some on top of my soup. I don't love the violife parm, but I love other violife cheeses. Maybe I'm just not crazy about parm? I don't remember loving it in my pregan days.

The garlic butter spreads incredibly well, even cold. I was really impressed. And it tastes incredible!! I know garlic butter is really easy to make, but this is nice when you just don't want to take that extra step. I think this would be great tossed in some pasta with a little nooch, and also for a garlic-y grilled cheese! Ten out of ten I highly recommend for a treat!

I grabbed these at Smith's last week because they were on clearance. I've never had an unreal peanut butter cup that I know of, and that is a mistake. Even though it says less sugar, these are still nice and sweet, and the peanut butter is a bit thinner than Justin's which I liked. Now if only they made a vegan milk chocolate version!


  1. Those Unreal peanut butter cups are SO GOOD. They have a few different vegan things to try, even without the milk chocolate. The almond butter cups are really good, too! And the ones with crisped quinoa!

    1. The crisped quinoa ones are my favorite!!
      I just had some vegan M&M's with crispy quinoa that were also excellent! I think I like quinoa better in candy!


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