Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Annie's Vegan Mac and Cheese Is.... Great!!!!!

 Back when I first decided to go vegan. I picked up a box of Annie's vegan mac and cheese. It's not the powdered mix, but the creamy cheese sauce packet kind. I remember it being on sale, and several people on Instagram had recommended it to me. I've been let down by every single boxed mac and cheese I've tried, so I actually ended up using the shell pasta for some other recipe, and just threw the cheese packet in the pantry. 

Well, yesterday was just one of those days. I wanted something easy and I guess kind of junky and fun for dinner. I had some random small pasta that I used in place of the original shell. When I first stirred the cheese into the warm pasta, the smell was that typical cheese smell and honestly I was scared. I was sure this was going to be another nasty mac and cheese. Before even tasting it, I doused it with hot sauce and pepper, and considered ketchup which I've never had on mac and cheese, but I've heard helps mask nastiness. 

If I would have used all of the cheese sauce I'm sure it would look even creamier. But I used about half because I figured less is better when it comes to these vegan cheese sauces. 

I really should have tasted before judging, because this didn't need anything to mask the nastiness, cause there was no nastiness! The flavor was nice and cheese-y, not fake cheese-y at all. And the texture of the cheese was great. It easily melted into the pasta. I know a few I've tried mixing has been an issue. I really was so surprised! I totally give this a ten out of ten, will buy again!

I've seen this milkadamia milk at Sprouts, but it's always expensive so I've never tried it. But I came across this creamer on sale so I decided to try it. The texture and consistency are great, I do wish it had a stronger cinnamon flavor. I'll stick with silk for my regular creamer, but this is okay, and I love moo is moot!!!


  1. Much appreciate this recommendation, having been burned with nasty-tasting vegan mac & cheeze mixes in the past. And recently (Daiya's--awful!). Thanks!

  2. I know that burn! And they're expensive which always anooys me even more!! Daiya is awful! The white cheese sauce is kind of okay, but not really and the yellow cheddar mac and cheese is so bad!!
    If you try this, don't be discouraged by the smell when you first add the cheese sauce. It smelled really daiya-y at first, but it went away and tasted so much better!

  3. Finding an great vegan boxed mac and cheese is a joy indeed! So many of them are... not good.


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