Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Bad Snacks Good Soup!


When vegan pork rinds and cracklins started becoming a thing, I had no interest at all. I even wondered why someone would even think to make this! But, to be fair I have never had a pork rind, and it wasn't something my family ever had around.

The thought of pork rinds has always grossed me out, so I've never had a desire to try the vegan version. If I want a snack, I'd rather spend my cash on vegan cheese crackers or Vegan Rob's puffs!

Whenever I don't listen to my intuition I always regret it, and these are no exception. I saw these on sale, and I was craving a cheese-y crunchy snack, and I couldn't find my favorite vegan cheese crackers, so I went against myself and got these.

Look at that! I couldn't believe how empty the full bag was when I opened it! At first I was so shocked and irritated, but after tasting them I was pretty excited to have less product.

I hated these. the minute I put in in my mouth I regretted it. They are chalky, dry and super dense. I really love Beanfield's chips, so I'm shocked by how much I dislike these! Negative ten out of ten is my score!

Back to tastier things, I found this Vietnamese sour soup base at the Asian market. It has tamarind, pineapple and lemongrass so I felt like it had to be good. Luckily I was right! It's sour but in a tart way? When I think of sour I think extremes and this isn't.

Last night I added some of the base with water, and added some baked tofu and potstickers. So freaking easy and it tasted like I got it from a restaurant! It reminds me of a soup I loved at this little Thai restaurant in Seattle. I've been missing Seattle so this hit the spot and the feels.


  1. Haha, I'd take your leftover cracklins! I love them! But I was a big pork rind fan as a kid. In the South, everybody eats pork rinds all the time. Haha. Our neighborhood brewery even does a pork rind/beer pairing. I went vegetarian when I was 14, so I hadn't one since 94, and these were pretty close. But I think the Outstanding Foods version is a bit better. They're a little fluffier.

  2. I saw some of those pork cracklings in an online vegan store here but had already seen your IG post about them so I did not add them to my cart. I think that was a wise choice.
    Tha sour soup paste sounds really nice.

  3. That soup base sounds amazing! Pork rinds always sounded terrible to me, too. We are on all the same pages in this post.


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