Saturday, January 2, 2021

I Love Bread!!

 We made it through 2020! I feel like I still need more time to even process 2020. I remember last year I had all these plans and goals for 2020, and then 2020 happened. This year I'm just happy that I'm ringing in 2020 with gluten!! 

I'm thinking of turning this blog into either a gluten fan page, or an anti gluten free page. 

Since I avoided all gluten for over three years, I haven't wanted to go crazy reintroducing it. I've been having one bread item a day for the past six days. I think there was one day I had two sandwiches because I just can't believe how soft and pillow-y real bread is. I feel great, no different really. My pants still fit, and I'm having no digestive issues. 

One of the first things I made is soy curl salad! I sauteed rehydrated soy curls in a little oil and the vegan chicken-less seasoning from Trader Joe's, and then mixed them with vegan mayo, yellow mustard, red onion and celery. And some Old Bay!

Since I'm going to try and make homemade bread, I needed flour, and look what I found! There is no way I would ever find this deal on gluten free flour!

I found these vegan egg roll wrappers at Smith's the other day! I haven't had an egg roll since going vegan, and never thought it would be an option!

I baked these and they turned out great! Not quite like a fried egg roll, more like a big spring roll maybe, but either way still delicious and I'm so excited these exist!

The pink sweater continues to be prime real estate even in 2021! I love how Bubba is laying on the sleeve! Some pink sweater is better than no pink sweater!


  1. Excitement all around! I'm so glad you're getting to have sandwiches, and I thank you for reminding me that I've been intending to make soy curl salad sandwiches for a while now.

  2. I love how close they are to each other on the sweater. <3
    And I am glad to see you reunited with gluten. Gluten is good.
    I know I haven't been commenting much (and actually posting on my blog? hah)... but I have been reading everything.

  3. I'm so happy you're enjoying gluten again, and I can't wait to see all the fun things you will get to try now! The soy curl salad sandwich sounds amazing!
    Etta and Bubba look like you've interrupted a serious meeting between them, haha!

  4. I hear ya on the bread situation :) The cats are so precious, too!


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