Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sweet Potato BBQ and Vegan Trader Joe's Haul!!!

 Over the holidays I saw a video of someone trying vegan Tik Tok recipes. There was a recipe for a BBQ shredded sweet potato sandwich. I remember thinking it looked good, especially on the bun. I figured I'd never make it, because why ruin a great sandwich with gluten free bread. Well, now that I can have real bread I had to make it. 

This was so easy and quick! Just shred a sweet potato and saute for a few minutes, add some BBQ sauce and saute for a few more minutes. In total I think I cooked the sweet potato for ten minutes. I used Carolina gold BBQ sauce from Trader Joe's. I had mine on English muffins because all of Trader Joe's hamburger buns have egg or honey. I almost turned into a Karen for bread! Ha!

Speaking of Trader Joe's, I have my first haul of 2021! I went yesterday, figuring it wouldn't be too bad since people probably still have lots of food from the holidays still. I made it just in time, because the line was forming just as I was leaving!

Sweet potato, kombucha,riced cauliflower,gnocchi, green onion, mini sweet peppers, sour gummies, vegetable samosas(!!!), celery, blood oranges, Carolina gold BBQ sauce, coconut milk

English muffins(!!), garlic naan(!!!), shredded cabbage, oyster crackers, carrots,lemon, sweet potato, pepper, edamame, coconut milk, tofu

You know what I noticed right away? Even though I got some treats like the naan and samosas, I still came in a bit under my budget. Because the crackers were three to four dollars cheaper than gluten free, and the two bread products together were less than one gluten free product. 

I have so many ideas for recipes I want to make myself, and recipes I want to try! Today I'm going to attempt to make bread!! I've been in a serious kitchen rut for a very long time. It feels so good to see the light and be out of the rut!!!


  1. I wish you well in breaking free of the rut! Bread is so good, and yes, gluten free stuff is so pricey! Don't you hate it when they put honey or milk in the bread? I have a few safe brands I get all the time or I make my own.

  2. Ooooh, I didn't know you could have real bread now, but CONGRATS!!! EAT ALL THE BREAD!! I love sweet potato bbq, and you've reminded me that I need to make a TJ's run!


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