Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Some Old School Vegan Cheese


City Cakes is a local bakery that sells vegan and gluten free baked goods! I've never been to the actual bakery, but I've always eyed this cheese sauce sold at Natural Grocers. It's normally pretty expensive but I found it on clearance and snatched it up. 

It takes me back to when I first went vegan, when it seemed like every single cheese sauce recipe included cashews and roasted red pepper. The sauce is very, very creamy, but you can taste the red pepper. 

I was really drained yesterday and needed an easy meal so I cooked up some pasta and tossed it in the cheese sauce. So easy!

Although this was tasty and I loved it, especially because of the gluten full pasta, this isn't what I think of when I think cheese sauce. This is definitely a sauce for vegans!!

While we're on the topic of vegan cheese, specifically disappointing vegan cheese, this was a real let down. It was on sale for $1.99 a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, it isn't much of a deal if it's not good.

I should have passed and put my two dollars towards a better cheese. But, I didn't know. I've tried it in a quesadilla, a little bit on a lasagna, a grilled cheese and it just doesn't melt. It reminds me of the cheese when I first went vegan!! I would say pass on this. When it's not on sale, it isn't that much cheaper than daiya or violife. 



  1. Oooh, I love those old school vegan cheese sauces. I used to get this cheeze dip called Nacho Mama's (I think that's what it was called). It was all noochy and cashewy. Good stuff! Disappointing about the Whole Foods cheese! I recently bought their vegan gouda slices, and those were really good. A lot like Follow Your Heart!

    1. I remember trying their slices awhile ago and liking them. The flavor isn't bad on these, it just doesn't like to melt at all!

  2. I don't know anything about the 365 cheese, BUT I did notice on the Trader Joe's vegan mozzarella once that they recommended melting it at 450 or something rather than 350 in the oven, and I tried that and lo and behold it melted beautifully. So maybe take the flame to it and see if it helps.

    1. I have half the bag in the freezer, I'll try that when I use them again. Thanks for the tip!!

  3. Last year I went vegan cuz i thought it would help my hypothyroidism. Turns out that everything I was eating (all the soy and gluten) actually makes thyroid function worse. Kinda sad cuz a lot of the foods I like contain soy and gluten but it's a small price to pay to not feel like a dead girl walking all the time. I'm trying to go gluten free instead, though the high prices and awful taste will probably do me in before my hypothyroidism. �� My doctor says I have to also eat more iron. ��

    1. See for me, when I gave up gluten I never noticed an improvement in how I felt. I never gave up soy because from articles I read soy is okay to eat. But information changes and it gets so confusing.
      For the three years I was gluten free, I was pretty miserable. As you mentioned, the prices are high and the quality is low. I'm on a budget and gluten free products are made for people of a certain income, and I'm not part of that group.
      Since I've added wheat back into my diet, I certainly don't feel any worse. I feel the same as I always have. And I've been having wheat for three or four weeks now and no weight gain.
      I take an iron supplement a few times a week just because I've been anemic in the past and it definitely makes you feel sluggish.
      I hope you can find foods that are tasty to you and make you feel good.


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