Tuesday, December 18, 2018

More Veggies, Less Stress

This was a super simple and really satisfying meal I threw together yesterday. It's just quinoa with some tamari and nooch, topped with a perfect avocado and sriracha. It just tasted so good and I felt really great after eating it! I forget how delicious really simple food can be. And this kept me full for a long time.
What to do with three potatoes, half a can of chickpeas and a fourth of a block of tofu? Make a curry of course!  This was delicious and as usual I can't wait to have the cold leftovers!
I'm going to continue to push myself to eat and try more vegetables. It's good to try new things, especially things that are good for you. But I've realized what I imagined doing just isn't right for me. The same day I checked out the Eat to Live cookbook, I checked out a second book about different ways we sabotage our own happiness. And the truth is I didn't want to change my diet for the right reasons. I honestly think I already eat pretty healthy. I do want to add more veggies and try more veggies, but other than that I'm not perfect but I'm pretty happy with my diet. I wanted to change my diet because I was comparing myself to someone else, and berating myself. So while I will be adding more veggies in my diet, I won't be making huge extreme changes. I already feel better and less stressed!
Here is sweet Joan literally bathing in the sun! Mornings are for cuddles, afternoons are for napping around here!


  1. I love this post so much. It is so hard when we put pressure on ourselves to be perfect in our diet but when you think about it, what is the perfect diet? Every person is different and every body is different so the "perfect" diet for me isn't the same as the "perfect" diet for you. I think this is such an important point and thank you so much for sharing! I'm glad you are feeling less stressed and your meals always look so beautiful. So does sweet Joan!!! Love seeing her face!

    1. It is hard. And everyone swears they have the perfect diet. I just nee to limit how much I watch the more health obsessed vegans. Mental health is as important as physical health and stressing about food is not healthy. I want to enjoy food!

    2. Last year i gave a very hard edit to my instagram as well as what you tube channels and websites i use and removed anything that wasn’t inspiring uplifting and positive and actually real. I don’t need contrived beautiful plates of photo shoot ready meals bombarding me, or any other info/photos/videos that don’t make a positive contribution.
      Yours is one of the few blogs i still read regularly! I feel like your own determination and perseverance and enthusiasm for vegan food in a very real world unedited way inspires me to rethink what and how i can make easy tasty meals for myself :))

    3. I've decided I'll be doing a very similar purge. It just gets to be too much. I'm kind of realizing that some people who at first seem inspiring really aren't.
      Thank you so much. You have no idea how much that means to me. I've been really hard on myself the past few weeks(months) and sometimes I feel like I should quit blogging because I'm on such a tight budget that my food can be boring, an I certainly don't take gorgeous pictures. So really, thank you!

  2. This is wonderful that you were able to make that realisation, something that a lot of people (myself included some of the time) cannot make. <3

    1. To be honest, I'm surprised and I'm wondering who I am! I don't usually catch my self destructive ways so easily!

  3. Your quinoa bowl looks perfect, and it sounds like you got the second book at just the right time! <3
    What a great photo of Joan!

    1. I really did. I always love it when that happens!

  4. Yey more veggies! I need to do the same as well!

    That curry looks awesome.


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