Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Boring Monday!

I love the hopped grapefruit kombucha from humm. I always look at the mango passionfruit and then go for what I know I love. Well, I decided to be brave and try it, an I'm so glad I did! I mostly taste mango, and it's light and not too sweet. I feel like this would be great on a warm summer day!
I made some more gochujang peanut sauce and served it over brown Jasmine rice, baked tofu, cilantro, green onion, cucumber and iceberg lettuce. I love all the textures and temperatures in this dish. And I swear sometimes I plan meals just to have an excuse to have peanut sauce!
Afro has two thrones in this apartment. The green chair that I used to sit on to blog, and the corner of the couch on the plaid blanket. What do you do when your sister takes over? Just plop right down on her but of course!


  1. I love that some kombucha companies are using cans. I know you prefer the bottles because recycling sucks in SLC, but it is great for me since i know aluminum is highly profitable for recycling centers.

    1. You're right. The only reason I don't like it is because of the recycling situation. But I agree with you about the aluminum too. It really encourages people to recycle. I have my kitchen pantry full of recycle things. I can't throw them away. I look like a recycling hoarder!!

  2. Omg Afro is so funny! How adorable! The gochujang peanut sauce sounds delicious and that bowl is looks amazing. I need to get more kombucha in my life!

    1. She and Etta have been having throne wars the past few days over that spot!
      I swear I have a kombucha addiction! I just don't feel right without one a day!

  3. Yeah i feel the same about the peanut sauce.Cant seem to keep myself away from the soy sauce Top Ramen these days with a little peanut butter and a tiny bit of the seasoning packet, crushed peanuts, mayb some broccoli and call it dinner.

    1. That actually sounds really delicious! I used to never think of peanut butter for savory foods, I'm so glad my mind was opened!

  4. Yay for peanut sauce; your bowl sounds perfect! Afro looks quite comfy, haha!

    1. I think she was hoping to make Etta uncomfortable, but it really didn't even phase her!

  5. Peanut sauce is so good! Anything with peanut butter. <3 <3 <3
    I support Afro's stance of sitting on top of her sisters. It is her chair, after all!


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