Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sprouts Haul

My grocery day has switched again due to my ever revolving schedule. I got some groceries yesterday and I decided to switch things up and get my weekly groceries at Sprouts. Sprouts has some great deals on produce, but they have a lot of specialty stuff that is expensive so I've never attempted to get all my groceries there. But I decided to challenge myself and I did really well. I even got a few treats and specialty things. I've posted Sprouts hauls on Instagram and had people comment that they always spend so much money there, they didn't know you could find deals! Ha!
Tofu, waffle fries,spinach,Ezekiel English muffins,nori wraps,turmeric matcha tea,green onion, yellow onion,carrots, oranges,lemons&limes,tofu, bulk oatmeal and rice,strawberries and blackberries,potatoes,kombucha,mangoes,watermelon,honeydew melon,bananas,pina colada bars, spicy "chicken" patties,basil, three avocados,lemongrass
I had a five dollar off a thirty dollar or more purchase so this was $44.00 with the coupon. I feel like I got a lot, and also some fun stuff that I don't have very often. I got a four pound watermelon for forty cents!! And the honeydew melon was only eighty eight cents. For the whole thing, not per pound. And the spinach was cheaper than Trader Joe's! If you live near a Sprouts I highly suggest checking them out!
I'm super excited about the spicy chicken patties because every vegan chicken style product I find is either vegetarian or made with gluten and Sprouts brand are vegan and gluten free! I hope these are similar to the Boca spicy chicken patties.
They had some fancier teas on sale and I was doing so well with my budgeting I allowed myself to splurge on this turmeric, chili and green tea. I had a cup this morning and it's nice and mellow. Not too spicy and not too turmeric-y.
These are the stand-out for me. I almost cried tears of joy when I tried this. Creamy, with little pieces of pineapple. They've kicked the fruit frenzy bars right out of the way for my number one favorite cold treat. Expect to see these a lot over the summer. I always liked Pina Coladas from the cheesiest bars and restaurants because they always made really weak drinks and they mostly just tasted like the pina colada mix. I've never like rum. Blech. These are for all of us virgin Colada lovers!
I didn't get any of these because I am trying to watch my girlish figure, plus for some reason I mainly like ice cream in the winter, in the summer I like fruity popsicles.But it's great to know Sprouts has all the new flavors and they are on sale. People seem to be the most excited about the peach! I want to try the banana Foster even though I've never had bananas Foster. But anything banana for me!
Meanwhile back at the home office lots of papers were filed. Someone has to keep track of the comings and goings of those birds and squirrels!


  1. Love the So Delicious ice creams not tried the frozen dessert ones but that banana foster I could definitely I agree with you on.I even like So Delicious more than some of the more popular non dairy ice cream.

    1. I know. So Delicious definitely lives up to their name! I probably will try one of the new flavors soon. I feel it's my duty!

  2. Such a great haul!
    I am really hoping we get those new So Delicious flavours here soon. I am super looking forward to trying the peach one (I know, predictable, heh), but also the banana one and the blueberry cardamom one.

    1. I know, it's hard to pick because they all sound amazing!!

  3. I literally cannot understand how the watermelon and honeydew were so cheap...??!? That’s so insane and totally freaking awesome! I’ve never been to a Sprouts but have heard it’s a great store-your haul has me convinced.
    Those sound like wonderful popsicles! I do like piƱa coladas but most places make them so sweet that it’s like half a drink will give you the worst hangover in the world so i stay clear of them now.

    1. I know. I couldn't believe it when I saw the prices. I knew it was going to be a heavy load to carry home, but I couldn't pass up those prices!!
      That's why these posicles are so great. They're the pina colada you wish you got at bars!

  4. Man oh man, how do you get all that stuff home??? Did you break down and buy that "old lady cart" (I think that's what you called it at one time)? You sure manage to get a ton of stuff for your money!

    Incidentally, I have one of those carts and they're great. Of course, I am kind of an old lady.

    1. Ha ha no but months ago my neighbor gave me one. I still have never used it though. Mainly because I feel awkward rolling it around in the store, especially Trader Joe's because of the aisles!
      I lugged all that stuff on my shoulders. It was rough let me tell you, but I couldn't pass up the melons, and the potatoes were a great deal too.

  5. Oooh what a great haul! So many awesome deals and finds! I'm so curious about the new So Delicious flavors and the pina colada pops sound amazing. I'm so jealous of your watermelon, I'm so ready for summer produce!

    1. I'm super curious about the new flavors as well. I know I'll have to try one soon. The pops are so freaking amazing!!!!
      I've been really lucky with watermelons so far so I hope it will be a great season!!

  6. I love Sprouts! We still don't have a Trader Joe's (but coming soon!), but we do have Sprouts. They have great sales on produce and awesome BOGO sales. I'll have to see if ours has the new So Delicious ice cream on sale (for after this Engine 2 thing hahaha). I haven't tried the new flavors yet!

    1. I love Sprouts too. They can be pricey but yeah, they also have great deals and in the summer you can't beat their produce sales!
      I need to break own and try the new flavors!!Bananas foster? I mean come on!!!!

  7. I like ice cream in the winter too. don't know why that is?

    OMG! Those prices on the melons! I just started to work at Aldi's and I cringe everytime people buy a watermelon for $7! I mean I am sure it is a good deal per pound, but so much for one item!


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