Sunday, May 27, 2018

All Natural

I had half of this watermelon for breakfast and juiced the other half. This was the watermelon I got for like forty cents at Sprouts. It was really tasty and juicy. I have a feeling it's going to be a great watermelon season because even out of season they've been pretty tasty.
For lunch I had some oven fries seasoned with garlic and onion powder, salt and pepper along with some baked tofu sticks seasoned with nooch. I mixed some Just Mayo and jalapeno mustard for dipping.

Have you heard of Brandless? I kept seeing commercials for them on YouTube, and I lurk their website every week and last week I got an Email with a promo code for free shipping so I decided to order a few things. Although I cook with either no oil or coconut oil, summer is here and that means pasta salads and quinoa tabbouleh are on my radar so I needed some EVOO. This is organic and only three dollars!! And before I ordered the cleaner, I contacted them to make sure their stuff is cruelty free and it is! All of their cleaning, beauty and feminine products are Peta bunny certified to be vegan and cruelty free!! And the toilet paper is the star of the order. It's treeless! It's made from bamboo grass an sugarcane!! I haven't tried it yet, but I will report back when I do. Green paper products are usually crazy expensive, so three dollars made me happy. I spent nine dollars for these three things and at certain stores on certain days each individual item would be nine dollars. If you sign up for their Email list you get a code for free shipping if anyone's interested. I used the cleaner yesterday and it worked like a charm. I got summer breeze scent and it's really, really light.
My whole life I've been called a hippie, and I feel like I've earned it by buying treeless toilet paper! Ha!
I  picked up these bath salts at Natural Grocers last week and I used them the other day and loved them! I'm not a fan of scented Epsom salts especially Dr. Teals because the smell is so overwhelming and intense. Also possibly totally fake. These just had a very mild lavender scent. My body felt great after my bath, an my bathroom still smelled amazing the next day.


  1. Treeless toilet paper sounds fascinating! I await your report!! Such a good deal as well.

    1. I love it so much!!! I expected it to feel different than regular but it oesn't!! I'm going to be ordering this again and again!

  2. I am jealous your watermelon! I have gotten some seriously crummy ones lately- including one i got friday at TJs for $2.99, it was the weirdest thing ever. The inside flesh was really hard and crunchy, almost like the texture of celery- certainly not soft and juicy. I’ve been drinking a lot of watermelon juice! Haha. I like to add a cucumber and some lemon or lime.
    But really i would rather have a tasty watermelon.
    I’ve been curious about brandless myself! Please do post what you think of the TP, i’ve never even heard of treeless TP but that’s awesome.


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