Thursday, May 10, 2018

Some Stuff I Love

When I stopped at Smith's to get some bulk spices I had to check out their clearance racks. They were super picked over but I found this wasabi paste for $.99! Perfect timing too because I had just run out!
Smith's also had a buy one get one for half price sale on all candles. I decided to treat myself to these two. I got them for about nine or ten dollars which is a great deal. I'm trying everything to keep my nerves calm and depression at bay. Aromatherapy, meditation, yoga, diet, everything! I have the lemongrass coriander burning right now and it is so wonderful! Very subtle, fresh and natural.
In honor of my WooHoo wasabi paste I made a quick sushi bowl for dinner last night. I really love the high protein tofu from Trader Joe's. Since it's vacuum packed it doesn't need to be pressed at all. Perfect for spontaneous meals!
What a creepy picture! I took it in bed with the lights off and the flash! It's a banana popsicle! I don't like many fruit flavored things because I can't stand the fake taste. Like don't try to get me to eat peach or mango flavored anything, I'll just have the real thing. But for whatever reason ever since I can remember I love banana and grape anything. I was all about grape bubble gum as a kid, and like I said banana anything! I'm ignoring that these have yellow dye and corn syrup because sometimes a girl needs a banana popsicle in bed!
My coworker thought of me when she saw this cat reuseable bag so she got it for me!I'm going to hang it in my blogging/cat room. Etta approves.


  1. It sounds like you have some very sweet, considerate co-workers. I've been at my job for three years and no one has ever given me anything.

    Where do you burn your candles? I was so paranoid about my cats knocking them over, that I never bought a candle for years and years. I finally figured out if I burn one on the stovetop, the cats won't mess with it because they never go up there.

  2. Exciting bargain finds! I totally agree, that high protein tofu from TJs is just Next Level tofu and has the best texture. That sushi bowl is such a perfect delicious quick meal!
    Hahaha, the popsicle photo is funny and really dynamic :)) i figure it’s all about balance, so a little fake ingredient here or there isn’t worth fretting over- especially if said food brings you joy! In the big picture i think the joy is just more important.

  3. What a lovely bag!
    I love wasabi. I can't do chili heat, but I can take a fair whack of wasabi, it is so good! Especially if you get it on super sale!
    Te popsicle photo is pretty awesome. Took me a moment to work it out.

  4. How sweet of your coworker! That bag is adorable! The sushi bowl looks so yummy. I always thought that I was the only one that liked grape flavored things! Everyone I know hates it! Love the popsicle photo and I hope the candles bring a little calm and relaxation into your life!

  5. I love those banana flavored runts. They were so yummy and sugary lol I can't remember the last time I've eaten them though.

  6. Banana works well in so many recipes.


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