Saturday, December 16, 2017

Throwing Things Together

Like a lot of grocery stores we have weekly ads where I work. I don't really pay attention to them unless I have to look for a customer. I somehow noticed that on our ad that ended Tuesday night we had cauliflower on a super good sale. As I've mentioned I really try to not spend money where I work, but I do pick things up now and again if it's a great price, or if Trader Joe's is too insane to handle. I'm only human! I decided to make cauliflower wings since I haven't had them in awhile, and I was gifted some gluten free bread flour. Since I am very new to using gluten free flours, and have never used gluten free bread flour I wasn't sure if it would work. I'm super happy to report that mixed with some water the gf bread flour made an awesome batter!
I combined all of these sauces to make my wing sauce. I went heaviest on the hoisin garlic sauce because it's soooo good! And since it's thick it really likes to stick to the cauliflower.
This was the best batch of cauliflower wings I've made so far. I made the batter thicker than I usually do, and I think that made a huge difference. Usually I make the batter like a thick pancake batter, but this time I made it more like biscuit batter. The batter stayed on the cauliflower much better and kept a better texture even after the second bake with the sauce. This was a really delicious meal.
I'm a little blue this morning because my two days off are already over! Although for the most part the people I work with are nice and I very much appreciate that, I still don't like my job. It's so monotonous and people can really be the worst. All the songs about cheerful holiday shoppers are a lie!!
At least I have my girls around to always cheer me up and make me smile. Kanye doesn't even care that her little bum is almost falling off the bed, as long as she gets to cuddle with Afro!


  1. Days off always go by too fast! On the weekend i end up spending one day doing errands and cleaning and laundry stuff and the other day i usually work out, meet up with friends and do cooking projects like soups that take a while and then it's dark and i have to work the next morning!
    Obviously you should take advantage of good sales on things you need from your job, those cauliflower wings sound really awesome!

    1. It's so true about days off! Two workdays are not the same as two days off!
      The wings turned out really good, maybe my best batch ever!

  2. Days off always go by too fast! On the weekend i end up spending one day doing errands and cleaning and laundry stuff and the other day i usually work out, meet up with friends and do cooking projects like soups that take a while and then it's dark and i have to work the next morning!
    Obviously you should take advantage of good sales on things you need from your job, those cauliflower wings sound really awesome!

  3. Your cauliflower wings always look so good, and your newest batter and sauce combination sounds like it worked really well! Sweet Kanye & Afro!

    1. Thank you! I really liked them with a little bit of a thicker batter!

  4. Congrats on the batter WIN!!!! Sounds great!

    1. Thank you! I always love successes in the kitchen!

  5. I love how successful you are when throwing together a recipe! I am wholly untalented in that department! I've seen the Cauliflower Tempura at TJ's, but have not tried it.

    1. Thank you so much! I love throwing thing together.
      I haven't tried the tempura cauliflower either, but I've heard really good things.


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