Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Laughter and Revolutions

This is one of my all time favorite videos. I've watched it a million times and it still makes me laugh loudly out loud. It's under two minutes and is more than worth your time. The narration is so perfect!

I saw this bumper sticker on a car as I was walking to work and I had to stop and take a picture. I really like that and I feel like I needed that reminder. Even though veganism is growing, we are still very much the minority and I am strongly reminded of that everyday at work. And sometimes customers will ask me if I like something, or if I've tried some kind of meat or food with animal products, and when I say I don't eat meat I have heard a lot of rude and dumb things and it makes me realize some people not only will never go vegan, they have no interest and believe animals are for us to eat. And they teach their kids and so on and so forth. It's one thing to know this, and another to just have it in your face day after day. But this bumper sticker reminded me that veganism is growing, and things are changing. So thank you random stranger for having a very cool bumper sticker!
Last night I had a craving for spaghetti so I decided to try this spicy marinara sauce. It's made by Mezzetta. I've had their pepperoncinis and olives but never their pasta sauce. I honestly usually make my own because it's super easy and I sometimes find jarred sauces have a weird taste I don't like. But this is pretty good. Actually it's really good. Maybe it's the plum tomatoes? I don't know but it has a great tomato flavor, not bitter or too sweet and it actually is a little spicy! I added nooch and crushed red pepper to my bowl because I love all the spice! I would definitely buy this again.
Although not as hilarious as patty cake cats, this was a very rare moment with Joan and Roxie cuddling. Joan is even smiling a little bit!


  1. Your cats make me smile so much! I'm battling the flu and my white cat, Snowy, is so mild mannered. I was asleep in the chair around four am (can't lay down flat and still breathe, dang flu) when he jumped up here and meowed so loud that it scared me. He's so calm most of the time! I helped him down, then he got right back up and did it again. So funny! Do you have a heating pad for your back? I agree with you about people who think animals are here for them to eat. My husband is the world's worst about that. I can't stand his attitude about meat. He has made lots of concessions for me in the house (plus I stopped cooking meat for him) but he still eats it daily. I wish we could change the world for the animals.

    1. I hope you get better soon! Being sick is the worst.
      I don't have a heating pad but I'm starting to think I need to buy one. My back pain comes and goes and that would be a nice thing to have around.
      I really wish we could change the world too.

  2. Love a good bowl of pasta with marinara & nooch. Classic! And that cat video (and your cats!!) is adorable.

    1. It really is a classic and with good reason! I just watched the video twice in a row and cracked up both times!

  3. I love that video, I have seen it many times before. It always makes me smile.

  4. Omg that video is absolutely amazing! I'm about to send it to my friend haha. Your kitties are absolutely gorgeous as always and sometimes you just need a comforting bowl of pasta in your life!

    1. I'm so glad you love it, and I hope your friend does too. It seriously cracks me up every time I watch it!
      The pasta was so comforting!!

  5. Haha, I remember watching that video years ago, but I haven't seen it in so long; thanks for sharing it! Love the bumper sticker, too! Sweet Joan and Roxie!

  6. Yup! I remember that video and I agree! It brightens days, that is for sure! Totally worth the time to watch again and again!


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