Friday, December 15, 2017

Curry and Cats!

I found this curry powder somewhere for a really great price.  I decided to try it out by making a red lentil and soy curl curry. It's pretty good. I was kind of surprised to see that it wasn't as yellow as other curry powders, and it also wasn't as hot as I expected. As you can see I still added sriracha to the finished dish! But it's still a tasty curry powder.
Although I did write down the recipe, I feel kind of silly posting it because it's so simple! I will say that I really enjoyed working with the soy curls, and I will be buying them again once I've run out. I soaked them first, then drained them and sauteed them with the onion and garlic. I was able to get some nice brown spots and crisp up the outside a little. And they smelled amazing! I can't wait to try these a million different ways! I hope Butler Foods starts distributing these to more grocery stores. I feel like they don't get as much love as other meat alternatives and they deserve love too. Hopefully Natural Grocers starts a trend!
I puttered around yesterday doing laundry, cleaning and cooking. I laid out some clean comfy clothes to put on after my detox bath, and this is what happened! My little princesses!


  1. Oooh that looks so good! I'm intrigued by soy curls now, I should definitely give them a try. There's nothing better than a fur baby pile ;) So adorable!

  2. I love soy curls. You cannot get them here, but I have a special stash in my freezer thanks to either bringing them back, or people sending them to me.

  3. This sauce sounds and looks interesting, indeed!!!


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