Monday, August 7, 2017

Still Trying to Catch Up!

I went to Smith's for some tofu, and found a pound of mushrooms for $.99 and Treeline cashew cheese for $3.69! I also treated myself to some Yve's gluten free veggie burgers. I've loved these burgers even when I wasn't gluten free.
Since I couldn't splurge on the burgers and gluten free bread or buns, I had my burger in a lettuce bun with avocado and a little BBQ sauce. Very tasty.
I made this tasty dish with my sale mushrooms and some tofu. I also tried this spicy and sweet chili heat sauce from Soy Vay. It's kind of lie a spicy hoisin sauce. Another tasty meal.
I had this booch recently. I loved it. It is in my top three favorite flavors of booch for sure. This company also makes a blood orange flavor which is soooooo amazing.
Here are Kanye and Joan keeping a very close eye on the outdoor kitty situation. Please excuse the lighting, it is still dark out in this picture!
I'm slowly forcing myself to be human again. I apologize again for my spotty presence. I've just felt kind of lost and like just keeping to myself. Sometimes you just need to be in your own head. Next week will be the year anniversary of my move to SLC. Isn't it crazy how fast time really does fly? I don't now how it's been a whole year. A year feels so permanent, like a real commitment that I didn't think through enough. See, this is why I've been keeping to myself!
I hope all is well with everyone!


  1. Sorry you've been feeling down! But sweet deals on that Treeline (I ONLY buy it when I catch it on-sale bc Kroger has it on sale so often) and the mushrooms.

  2. Your mushroom & tofu dish looks amazing! :D
    Aww, Kanye and Joan, the watch kitties! About a week ago, a TNR cat started hanging around out front, and Daisy is so annoyed haha!
    Wow, a whole year in SLC, that's a big anniversary to mark! Hugs! <3

  3. I'm sorry that you are still feeling so crappy. I know how you feel, sometimes you just get lost in it. I hope that you'll begin to feel better soon.

    Great deal on the cheese for sure and I'm seriously loving the look of the mushrooms with tofu dish you made! It looks restaurant quality!

  4. Chin up, Hillary. Hopefully, when the autumn comes you'll feel a bit better about things. Just hug the kitties when you're down. That always helps me.

    Oh, and that tofu dish looks delish. How's that sauce?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Good to see you are finding the bargains and cooking delicious food. I understand about taking a break from blogging for quiet time, been doing the same myself. Hopefully when the weather cools things may start to feel better. I moved 3 years ago and it has taken me a long time to feel at home here but it has happened. Sending love and well done on your strength for getting through the year xxx

  7. I was reading a gorgeous vegan blog, Rainbow Nourishments, and came across a post about the bloggers experience with PTSD. She offers advice on dealing with depression and PTSD that I thought might be helpful to you since you're still dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic experience. Check it out if you have a chance,

  8. I've been pretty sporadic on the blog posts myself. It's okay, you need to take care of yourself. And always reach out if you need it.
    Some more excellent deals, as always. I really wish we had Treeline here!

  9. I will be catching up for a while, too! WOWZA! I love seeing the different flavors of booch you find!!!


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