Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Here's my little seat thief Joan! Every time I get up for a second, she is all over my chair. And just look how sweet and cozy she is. I never have the heart to move her. She rarely sleeps in the red chair or chaise gifted to me by my neighbors. I'm sure it's because I rarely sit in them!
I had this juicy perfect watermelon for breakfast the other day and it was so wonderful! Watermelon isn't one of my favorite fruits, but it sure is perfect and refreshing in this heat. I am so, so ready for fall. I've never said that before because I always know fall leads to winter which usually makes me very sad, but man I need a break from the savage sun and dry heat.
I treated myself to this root beer kombucha yesterday. This is definitely one of my favorite kombuchas. I just got a flyer from Natural Grocers and they have this brand on sale for $1.69 a bottle! I will be taking advantage of that sale tomorrow. It's funny, the flyer is for the month of August, but I only got it yesterday. I wish I would have gotten it earlier in the month, but what can you do?
I caught Kanye and Afro snuggling like this the other day. Kanye stuck her tongue out right as I was snapping the picture. They love the corner of my bedroom by the closet for some strange reason.
As far as food goes, since I've been on a super tight budget my meals have been pretty dang boring. Lots of potatoes and tofu. It's okay though, when I get home from being out in this heat the last thing I want to do is get fancy in the kitchen. I'm hoping that when the heat subsides a little my budget will loosen up just a little. I really do miss tinkering in the kitchen. 
Happy Wednesday!


  1. Oh my goodness, how funny are those kitties!!! So freaking cute. You know watermelon is my favorite and I seriously need to try and find that kombucha because I really want to try the Dr. Pepper and Cola flavors.

    1. It's like my cats want to be internet famous because they keep getting sillier. And when they see me trying to take a picture, they really go all out!
      That watermelon I had was AMAZING!!!
      The Dr. Pepper is my fav

    2. favorite. Not sure what happened there!

  2. Sweet and silly kitties!
    Watermelon is one of my favourite fruits over summer, I can devour it so quickly. Perfect way to cool down and hydrate a little.

    1. The watermelon really hit the spot. Last summer I had a couple of bad experiences with mushy mealy watermelon and it kind of turned me off from it, but this one was so perfect!

    2. Flavourless, mushy watermelon is a definite disappointment.

  3. Yum, watermelon!
    I was so distracted by Kanye's goofy face that I didn't realize Afro was also in the picture until I read your caption, haha! :D

  4. LOVE the cat tongue pic! LOL!!!!!

  5. I'm not a huge watermelon fan either, but I always get it from my CSA.

    Your cats are the dang cutest!


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