Monday, August 21, 2017

It's Me Again!

Well, I've officially lived in Salt Lake City for a year. I can't believe it if I'm being honest.Especially because it is still incredibly easy for me to get lost. I've taken my time to feel all of my emotions, cry, cry some more and now I am going to start blogging regularly again. I just was feeling too many things and definitely didn't feel like blogging about food. And to be honest between my emotions and the heat, I haven't been eating the most exciting food. Most days I get home from being out in it, all I can do is peel a few potatoes and get them in the oven. I don't know if I'll ever get used to this intense, dry heat. Sometimes I come home and my eyes are burning from the dryness. I've never experienced that before.  There were a few rainy, stormy nights and early the next morning the air would still be humid and I almost cried tears of joy. Those mornings have been the best mornings I can remember. But it's time for me to join the living again, and it's time for me to get back to my normal routines. So, Hello again!!
As I mentioned, my food has been pretty damn boring. Between the heat and a tight budget, lentils and potatoes have ruled my diet. I did treat myself to a package of Trader Joe's gluten free pizza crusts and a package of their vegan shreds and made an amazing pizza with lentil "sausage" I just mixed some cooked lentils with smoked paprika, fennel seed, dried thyme and garlic. It was soooooo good!!!
On top of the lentils I added the vegan shreds, sliced white onion, minced garlic and green onion. And of course nutritional yeast! Trader Joe's vegan shreds are the best price I've seen for vegan cheese. You definitely don't want to eat them cold, but melted it's fine.
Sprouts market had green split peas in bulk on sale one day, so I made smoky split pea soup. I usually use the hickory liquid smoke, but I tried mesquite this time and I like it much better! When I lived in Erie, PA. I had split pea soup for breakfast for at least one full year. I guess I burned myself out on it because I haven't had it since. But this tasted delicious so it will be added back into my breakfast soup rotation!
And here is everyone but Roxy watching all the squirrel activity in the trees. My apartment has trees in the front and back so between the birds and the squirrels it's all very exciting!


  1. Happy to see you back! I enjoy your blog. Maybe your return will finally get me to make your potato wedge recipe. It's funny how your pics of potatoes and sauces to dip them in make my mouth water more than the most gourmet recipes I see out there.

    1. I'm so happy to be back!
      I seriously crave potatoes all the time. If I go more than two days without eating them, my body lets me know that I need to fix that! And I'm loving coming up with all these different sauces. I never get bored. I hope you make the wedges soon!

  2. Hey, glad to see you back! Kitties are so cute! It's amazing how fast a year goes by. And the heat here is awful too. Hoping for an early fall. Again, glad to see you back and looking forward to regular blog posts :)

    1. It's amazing how time can both drag and fly by you know. It's just mind boggling.
      I am so glad to be back. I've missed everyone!

  3. Hello!
    I don't know about boring food, your potatoes on Instagram always look SO GOOD! You are a potato queen.
    The pizza also looks good, pizza is so great.
    We are a squirrel free zone. Sometimes we get birds in the back yard, but not often, I wish some more would visit because Dim Sim likes to look at them from the window. She makes such a cute little noise when she sees them.

    1. I have become quite the potato queen! Ha Ha!
      I love the noises cats make when they see birds and squirrels! Sometimes the squirrels will stop and chatter at the kitties, who chatter back. It's really hilarious!

  4. Hey girl - where you been?

    That soup looks pretty nice. What are the dark [reddish?] flecks in there?

    I'd love to try the mesquite Liquid Smoke (not a big fan of the regular one) but my bottle is still so full and it's going to take me forever to use it up. I just can't justify having two bottles at this point. I've kind of switched to using my smoked paprika to achieve that smoky, meaty flavor. Ever since I switched from liquid smoke to the paprika, my carnivorous husband has even raved about my lentil and pea soups. But yeah, the mesquite looks interesting.

    1. The red flakes are crushed red pepper. Something that goes in pretty much all of my soups.
      I was really surprised by how delicious the mesquite liquid smoke is. It's a million times better than the original which is hickory I think.

  5. I read this blog post yesterday but wasn't able to comment until today. Everything looks great! YUMMY FOOD! Cute kitties! I love hearing about your surroundings, too! I enjoy the liquid smoke I found over at The Raw Food World a while back!

  6. Your cats are just too cute!

    You are making me want some pizza! I haven't had any in a while since of the heat here. T_T

  7. Hi!!! I'm soon happy you're back! That pizza looks so amazing. Makes me miss the days of being creative with fennel seeds. And of course, I love your cats. Please don't let the atmosphere get you down. Stay cool and thank you for the suggestion of Trader Joe's Coconut Liquid Aminos. I love that stuff.

  8. Your pizza looks so good; the lentil "sausage" sounds like such a neat idea! Hopefully the heat will start to taper off for you soon!


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