Saturday, November 26, 2016

Trigger Warning, This is a No Food Post!

I saw this video yesterday, or maybe the day before. I wanted to share it, but honestly fear stopped me. After I talked about my feelings on the depressing election, I got so many wonderful supportive comments, and two snarky comments. I know I'm not alone in being someone who one hundred people can tell me I'm great, and  one person tells me I suck and that's the person I listen to. It's a trait I'm working very hard on, it's very damaging. Anyway, one of the Anonymous commenters sent me an Email really going in on me. They went super personal, bringing up my family, ex boyfriend, even my therapy. This felt like an attack. I was really shaken. I was going to quit blogging, then I thought maybe I'll keep blogging, but only talk about food. I also wanted to respond to this person and defend myself, but if this person was so ready to go for the jugular, it will only get worse. I know people like this, people who go for the deep shots that really hurt a person. And defending myself will only result in more viciousness, and I am not mentally strong enough to handle it right now.
After doing a lot of thinking, I've decided to keep on keeping on. I have a right to my opinions, and I have a tiny little vegan blog that takes up very little space in the world of the interwebz. I have met some amazing people that I consider friends through this blog, and also I have learned a lot about myself and I've grown as a person. When I look back on my life, I see so many missed opportunities that were missed because of fear. I see times when I didn't speak up because of fear. And I want to make the world a better place and you can't do that if your life is run by fear.
It's taken me a long time to realize this, but standing up to injustice is a part of who I am. I have so many memories of my birth mom standing up to bullies, and assholes. I remember admiring her no fear attitude, and admiring her standing up when no one else would. So, it's just a part of me that can't be changed, and I don't want to change it. So, it's going to be a long four years, and I'm letting everyone know there's no way I'm not going to ever mention politics on this blog. I'm  going to do my best to be as respectful as possible while being true to myself.
It's kind of blurry because Cats! But I finally got a full face picture of Etta. She is the worst when it comes to photo ops.She's camera shy like me!

I hope everyone has a great Saturday, and an Amahzing Caturday!!!


  1. Huzzah for you!! I stand with you and support you 100%. F**k the a-holes. Haven't watch the vid yet, but will check it out momentarily. Did you see this yet?

    I have no idea if it will amount to anything, but it certainly says a lot that two days ago they had about $3mm and now they're up to almost $6mm. People really want him outta there.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I reaally hope the recount changes things. I'm cautiously optimistic. And he's whining about it, but when it was looking like he was going to lose, he was crying about a rigged election. It's almost funny at this point. And he's seventy years old and has fits on twitter!!

  2. Good for you. This is your space and you have the right to post non food blogs which I greatly enjoy reading as do many others. Out of curiosity did 'anonymous' actually tell you who they were in their email?

    1. No, it was weird the comment showed up in my inbox like a regular comment, but it was really an Email. And it was anonymous of course. The amount of anger and how deeply personal the attack was really did scare me.

  3. I'm so glad that you didn't give up because of one negative attack. As you said, there are so many people here that love and support you and we are all here for you and want to hear what you have to say. Keep posting whatever makes YOU happy. The blogosphere is large enough that they can find plenty of vegan food elsewhere. Don't ever change that fighting spirit! <3

    1. Thank you so much! Even though I felt scared, I know deep down I will be so mad at myself if I let one person shut me down!

  4. Glad you haven't backed down from posting politics! You're a great source of new info and perspectives; I always like to check out the links and videos you share! :)

    1. Thank you so much! I really want the world to be a kinder place, and that means standing up to all injustices, in my opinion.

  5. I am so happy that you are going to keep blogging. I have some very rude words to say to that other person, I hope you can block and report if needed. Keep on doing your wonderful thing. :)

    1. Thank you so much! I deleted two of their snarky comments on another post, so hopefully they got the hint. If it happens again I'm just going to block anonymous comments which I hate to do, but I also have to protect myself.


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