Friday, November 11, 2016

Dark Days

I am still in shock. For the longest time I thought Trump was going to win, and then for the last two weeks or so leading up to the election I really thought Hillary was going to win, I'm not a real supporter of Hillary, but obviously I prefer her over Trump. I though Donald had sealed his fate when P gate happened. Sorry, I have always hated the p word. But even staunch republicans were denouncing Trump after that. To be honest, I'm not even mad at Trump. I mean, he's a dick, always has and always will be. But he has always shown us who he is. He has been tweeting misogynistic thoughts on women for years. Way before the election. I am however disgusted and deeply saddened that I live in a country that voted him in. What got him voted in was the wall, and banning Muslims.
For anyone who has been reading my blog since the beginning might remember the dark days of me living in Erie PA. I was shocked by the racism. I had been living in the liberal bubble of Seattle, and I didn't even know there were still so many people with so much hate and ignorance in their hearts. I was so appalled. I came to the scary conclusion that obviously the ignorant citizens of Erie were not alone, obviously there were other cities with like minded people. Shudder.
But I still thought that this type of hideous thinking was the minority. I am heartbroken that I was wrong. Donald Trump didn't win on Tuesday. Hate and ignorance won. Trump would not have had the impact he had if he wouldn't have talked of the wall, and banning Muslims. And the p grabbing and kissing without permission is just icing on the cake. Because men that think along the lines of Trump have no respect for women either. We're just here to be pretty. Trust me, I've served food and drinks to those kind of men my whole adult life.
I am sad today for the earth and the animals. Donald Trumps sons go trophy hunting. Trophy hunting. Killing innocent animals for no reason other than to feel like a man. And I was watching someone from Scotland talk of Trump, and he was telling a story of Trump fighting against their government because they wanted to be more efficient and earth friendly and install wind turbines, and he fought them in court because he was worried it would hurt the view from on of his golf courses or resorts or something. Like this guy doesn't give a shit about the environment. He doesn't even believe in climate change.
I feel physically ill and emotionally drained. The bullies won. Ignorance won. And again, I'm not talking about Trump. I'm talking about the people who voted him in.
I'm sorry this post is such a downer. I'm not in the positive let's fight hate with love head space yet. I'm more of the let's protest in the street.
I feel sad, scared, and very angry.


  1. Take heart. We're all in this together. This might be a dark chapter in US history, but we'll get past it.

    1. I hope to feel that way sometime in the next four years.

  2. These past few days have been incredibly rough; I empathize so strongly with how you're feeling right now. Sending hugs and solidarity. <3

    1. Sending hugs right back. How did this happen?

  3. I'm just here for the food posts.

    1. The great news for you is that vegan Mofo is going on, so there are a million vegan food related blogs to read. I'm probably never going to just talk about food on this blog, and I never have only talked about food. Sorry.

  4. I agree my interest is in vegan posts. I get politics in far too many places. I'm equally offended with your use of the D word?

    1. I don't know if you're telling me or asking me about the d word. I am sorry to have offended you, but maybe this isn't the blog for you. To me, being a vegan is caring about animals, the earth and people.

    2. I was pointing out that your calling a man who used the P word, a "D" suggests hypocrisy. It sounds you want a forum for your political views but can only tolerate responses which agree with yours. I work with a lot of women who regularly talk about the sexual acts they would like to do to this person or that. Not unlike what we heard the president-elect say. We heard much worse from what a sitting president did to a White House intern. Without regard to what some believe, there are vegans included in the 60+ million Americans who cast their vote for President-elect Trump who would have been equally offended had Secretary Clinton won. It's time to move on!

    3. I just think the word pussy is ugly, I'm not offended by the word. I don't care what kind of women you work with. You don't work with me, and you don't know me. And I don't care if vegans voted for Trump. That doesn't make him a good person. I'm certainly not trying to run a forum, however this is MY blog, so yes I will state my opinion. And I will NEVER EVER be okay with the racism and hate that Trump has stirred up and rallied.
      And guess what? You don't get to tell me to move on. I won'be responding to you again, and seriously, if you want to talk about hypocrisy, let's talk about you having such a problem with the opinions I'm stating on my blog?
      And also, what a wimp you are to anonymously come on my blog to be a DICK? I have no problem with differing opinions, but I do have a problem with anyone who supports Trump. I don't respect racists, and I don't support people who support racists. I'll proudly walk through life with the title of hypocrite as long as I'm always standing up to hate and racism.
      Now kindly find another blog to read, find a Trump supporting blog, I'm sure there are tons of them, and you seem so confident that vegans voted for him, I'm sure it should be SUPER EASY to find a vegan, Trump supporting blog.

  5. My heart just sank as I watched the election results, which were covered live here in Australia for the first time ever. I think the world is in shock.
    We had an election earlier this year, and an awful racist anti-Muslim woman named Pauline Hanson was voted back into the senate after several years out of politics, along with some other members of her One Nation Party.
    Sometimes I just feel like the whole world is sliding backwards into hate and intolerance.

    1. I agree, and it makes me so scared and so sad. I just feel so devastated about it. I know we have to be positive to combat the negative, but it's all so sad and frustrating. It's like the bullies are suddenly winning.


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