Sunday, November 27, 2016

Podcasts, Inspiration and Food!

Yesterday while cleaning and tinkering n the kitchen, I listened to one of my favorite podcasts, Vegan Warrior Princesses Attack and I listened to the election results episode, which is right before their surviving Thanksgiving episode. These two ladies always cheer me up, make me feel less alone and inspire me. I really needed the inspiration. One of the topics they discussed really hit home for me. They talked about how when you really pay attention to what's going on, it's really easy to let sadness get in the way of action. I see that in myself. Sadness and also fear have been two things that have definitely gotten in my way. I feel that way in regards to veganism too. It's hard for me to see footage and graphic images, and keep up my fighting spirit. I want to actually kill myself when I see those images, because I don't want to live in a world that is as cruel as ours. I find that I either get so sad I want to hide, or sometimes I get so pissed I'm ready to go out in the streets and start fighting people. Neither one is productive, or helpful to animals. Racism is very similar, like I'm ready to fight. So, anyway this podcast has inspired me to keep my head up and keep fighting for what is right, but fighting in the right way.If you like podcasts, I can't recommend these ladies enough. They always make me feel better, and validated too. I plan on finding an animal rights group here in Salt Lake City to get involved with. I also want to find a way to get more involved with the Black Lives Matter movement. It doesn't appear that they have a Salt Lake City chapter, but I know I can do more than just tweet and retweet information.
In other self improvement news, I'm proud to say that my healthy eating is going great! One of the changes I'm making is my nightly sweet habit. I've always been more of a savory gal, but for the past few years I've gotten in the habit of having chocolate, or cookies or whatever sweet after dinner. I'm trying to break that habit like I did with coffee. Now, I enjoy coffee every once in awhile as opposed to every day and it feels great. So, I want to now just have sweets every so often as a treat, or at that time of the month when chocolate is very necessary to my well being. I'm on day five or six and it's going pretty well. The first couple of days were so tough, I was really emotional and grumpy, and felt so unsatisfied! But I've been having two or three dates in the evening, and they are helping so much! They're sweet and ooey gooey, I love them!
Greens and Grains!
I had this delicious breakfast yesterday too which made me feel great. It's brown rice cooked in turmeric topped with Romaine, roasted potatoes and some red onion. All topped with Goddess dressing from Trader Joe's! It was so tasty and really made me feel great. I love meals that are delicious, and also make you feel energized and great.
I also made this thick and creamy coconut milk yesterday. I got unsweetened, dried coconut flakes in bulk, which are so cheap by the way, and blended some with filtered water and Bam! It took like thirty seconds to make, and is a fraction of the the cost of store bought!
I made a delicious green curry tofu using Thai Kitchen's green curry paste and some homemade coconut milk. So tasty! Thai Kitchen's red and green curry pastes are both vegan, but I think their yellow curry paste gas fish sauce.
Lemon-y garlic-y potatoes!

I know a lot of you have the Veganomicon cookbook, and this is one of my favorite recipes from that book. It's actually one of my favorite recipes of all time. It's the Lemon-y Garlic-y potatoes. I think that's what they're called. The only change I make is cutting way back on the oil. I think the original recipe calls for 1/3 cup of EVOO.(That's extra virgin olive oil, ha ha ha ) I use about one teaspoon. I like the lemon flavor to really stand out and too much oil mellows that taste. Anyway, I cannot recommend this recipe enough!!
Sorry this was such a long one. The thing about loneliness and being alone is not having someone to not only vent and whine, but to share the good and positive things. I find myself so often wishing I had someone to call to share some funny good little thing that happened. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope everyone has a great Sunday!
Last night I couldn't find Etta or Afro anywhere! I was kind of freaking out, and then I find them sleeping in the corner of my bedroom closet, not a care in the world! Afro is all cuddled up with the cable wire that isn't being used!


  1. I must check the Warrior Princesses out. I think this is a fantastic plan of action to seek out some groups to get involved with. I am reading a book at the moment about living a happy, healthy long life and as well as a focus on diet and exercise the authors really stress the importance of seeking out like minded people and being involved in things you believe in. They see this as just as important as the other stuff. I love your coconut milk idea. I'd never have thought of that. Coconut milk seems to have got really expensive here so this is a great tip. Love the pic of Etta and Afro, they are just the cutest!

    1. I love to listen to their podcast while I clean or cook. It always makes me feel better!
      It is so much cheaper to make your own coconut milk. Especially if you buy the coconut chips in bulk, they weigh so little.

  2. Those potatoes sound delicious! Like you, I love anything with loads of lemon and garlic (I must have some Greek in me), so I'll have to crack the spine on my Veganomicon and find that recipe.

    I have no idea how far these guys are from you, but the Ching Sanctuary in SLC is always looking for volunteers. That vegan dinner I mentioned last month was a fundraiser for them. The link below is a volunteer application. Just in case it's something you might be interested in.

    1. You definitely need to try this recipe if you like lemon and garlic! I've made these potatoes so many times I have the recipe totally memorized!
      Thanks for the link. I'll check how far they are from my house.

  3. I'm actually finishing up the podcast episode right now; I saw you tweet it earlier today! :) The lemon and garlic potatoes sound fantastic!

    1. Yay, I'm glad you listened to the podcast!! I seriously love these potatoes so much, they're definitely one of my favorite recipes!

  4. I love the Vegan Warrior Princesses! I've actually been a little afraid to listen to the post-election episode because I'm still so bummed about it. I should! I should also make those potatoes. I've heard great things about them! VCon is such a classic.

    1. I was scared to listen to it too, but it actually made me feel a little bit better. The potatoes are seriously one of my favorite recipes ever. I have the recipe memorized because I've made them soooo many times!!

  5. That potato recipe is so great! I am a big fan.
    I love VWPA, though I am a bit behind in listening (I got distracted by Buffy podcasts... which is what I currently need to help me keep from getting swallowed up by all the poop in the world).

    I love how your kitties are all snoozing away together. :)

  6. I hear you there. Lately I've been seeking out distractions that are comforting because the world is getting to be too much.
    I know, they're so sweet!!

  7. I was a sweet treat every night person too for years and years until i started making a hot chocolate almond milk- just a little chocolate syrup in almond milk heated up, it hits the sweet and chocolate for me and also is really fragrant and comforting somehow.

    Your coconut milk is great! That version is so good too.
    So glad that you are taking care of yourself lately, good meals just make you feel good!

    1. I used to drink hot chocolate, and I haven't since going vegan. I need to try your recipe, thanks for reminding me of a great treat!


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