Sunday, November 20, 2016

Looking for Joy and Hope

The holiday season is very hard for me, and always brings on the blues. And the election results have made my blues even worse this year. So, I have been looking for rays of light, bursts of laughter, and positivity wherever  I can find it. Yesterday I saw that there was a new challenge called U Name it. The challenge consists of people dancing to an older gospel song called Hold my mule by Shirley Caesar. Although I am agnostic, I have always loved gospel/soul music. It gives me all the feels, and it stirs something inside me. Anyway, as I was watching some of these videos and just loving the dancing, creativity and Joy, I stumbled across this vegan version and fell in love, and had to share. I also was very happy when I saw the comments on this video. No one was slamming veganism, quite the opposite. One woman commented and said her husband was considering veganism based on the video and his rap, and many other people agreed. It was very heartwarming. And how cute is this guy? I'm sorry I don't know his name, but he's so adorable and his enthusiasm is infectious. If you need some happiness in your life, look up the challenge, there are some great dance moves and it's just very organically joyous. So needed given the current state of things.

Here are some other things that are giving me some much needed Joy right now. Roxy and Joan are having a super lazy Sunday morning. Joan has recently started sleeping right next to me in bed. Like right next to my head. I love it so much, it's comforting.
I hope everyone has a happy Sunday!


  1. That video is great. A work colleague tweeted it to me and I watched it on the train the other day and was grinning away, just fab. Dancing is so good for the soul. I've just had my niece and nephew visit. They are six and just love dancing so we had a You Tube disco.

    1. Six is such an awesome age. And dancing with kids is great because their joy is infectious!

  2. I love that guy. The line about putting your hands in the mashed potatoes...priceless.

    1. I love him too. I think he did it totally freestyle, which makes it even more impressive!

  3. Awww, virtual hugs! Things are TOUGH right now. I'm slowly getting over the election, but I'll never accept what happened. Just learning to deal with it and planning my next moves. Got to find a way to stay politically active and fight the negative forces, you know. But this vegan rap definitely makes me feel better. Someone shared it with me on FB the other day, and it made my day. Hang in there!

    1. Thanks. I'm slowly getting to the point you're at. I'm looking at keeping myself strong so we can fight the good fight.

  4. That video is really fun.
    I find that cat snuggles definitely help. <3


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