Saturday, August 31, 2019

WooHoo of a Lifetime!!!!

I had to run to Smith's for a few cat related items yesterday, and I had a few minutes so I perused the shelves looking for WooHoo deals, and boy did I find one that shook me to the core!!
Yes, you see that right. Just Egg for fifty cents!! Smith's doesn't carry Just Egg and they got it by accident so they marked it way down to get rid of it. They must have no idea what the actual price is because good lord!!! I've seen Just Egg at a few stores around town and the cheapest I've seen it is on sale at Sprouts for $7.99!! Usually it's around nine or ten dollars which is completely insane, and there is no way I could or would pay that. I had to buy all four bottles, but now I feel overwhelmed because I honestly don't even miss or desire eggs. To be honest I still remember the first time I tried black salt, it ruined a perfectly delicious tofu scramble!!
But regardless I'm excited to try something I probably never would try otherwise! I also scored some wholly guacamole for $1.79!!  Avocados have been expensive lately so I had to snatch those up!!
I know I've said it before, but it's worth it sometimes to take a few minutes and look at all the aisles because most stores have some kind of clearance section, usually in some weird dark corner, but they also mark stuff down on the aisles, and find strange spots for refrigerated and frozen stuff. The Just Egg was just kind of tossed in the very bottom of the juice cooler, right by the kombucha and nowhere near regular eggs or the kind of vegan refrigerated section.
Sorry for the bright flash-y picture, but I just thought Bubba looked so cute and relaxed with his legs all stretched out!! We're facing some roadblocks on becoming one big, happy family. Kiki has decided that she wants to kick his ass which is so surprising to me because she's so sweet and rather timid. And Joan and Etta still hiss at him. Afro and Roxy are the only girls who are accepting. At least he has his own room he can escape to!


  1. Wow, those are some great bargains!! I've never tried Just Egg because $9.99 without any gold or diamonds in the ingredients. I hope its really outstanding when you try it! So, it's 2 for Bubba, 2 against Bubba, and 1 really against Bubba. If he can charm his way into just 1 change of heart, the odds of being one big, happy family improve to 60%. I think Kiki will change her mind and decide to accept Bubba after all! She's got too much time invested in stalking Bubba to not be friends!

  2. Woah, awesome deal on the Just Egg! I still haven't tried it yet, so I'm curious to see what you make with it! Bubba looks adorable lounging out like that; I'm glad that Afro and Roxy accept him and that he has his own space when he needs it! Hopefully the other kitties will come around!

  3. OMG what amazing deals!!! $.50 for the Just Egg is incredible! I've never tried it because I can't justify the regular price tag but I'd buy all of it at that price, ha! I hope you love it, I can't wait to see how you like it! Even if you don't want it as a regular egg-type of dish, you can always use it in place of egg in other recipes (as a binder for example). Hi Bubba!

  4. That is some great bargain! Thank to you, I have become a keen hunter for the sales sections, I know one of my local supermarkets has a random end shelf that they put random sales stuff on, and I've got some cool stuff. But nothing as good or as cheap as you find!

  5. WHHHHHAAAT??! Such a good deal! You could also try using the just egg in a stir-fry?


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