Saturday, June 8, 2019

Looking for Inspiration!

I've been feeling uninspired in life and in the kitchen for awhile. Lately I seem to just kind of cook the same meals over and over. I don't really mind because the meals I make taste good to me and surprisingly I'm not bored yet. But I do miss getting an idea for something and tinkering in the kitchen to try and make it happen.
I had checked out a cookbook from the library about a month ago, but it wasn't really inspiring me. I had a few recipes bookmarked, but I never was interested enough to try them. So yesterday I went and returned the old and checked out some new!
This is either new to the library or it's always been checked out when I'm there because I have never seen this at the library! I love Robin Robertson and I feel like she's a little underappreciated if I'm being honest! I love her recipes because she doesn't use a lot of expensive ingredients, or make super fussy, overwhelming recipes. Her book Vegan On The Cheap was the second vegan cookbook I ever owned and I loved it so much!! I'm super excited to look through this thick book!!
Like I said, I'm making the same meals! Another lentil, tofu and potato curry. I don't see myself ever tiring of this meal. It's so easy and tasty! And leftovers!
Last night I just baked two potatoes and topped them with baked beans and lots of nooch. This is a really simple and tasty lazy dinner. I don't even heat the baked beans because the potatoes heat them enough. Bonus for easy cleanup!


  1. Hey Hil...As always, your curry looks so soupy and delicious! Just curious, how is the Robin Robertson cookbook? I just ordered a different cookbook by her (the name escapes me) from someone on eBay. It looks pretty big so I'm hoping it has a diverse selection of recipes. Cookbooks are always hit or miss for me. Believe it or not, one of my favorites is still Vegan with a Vengeance, even after all these years.

    1. Ha, I do love a soupy curry! I see a lot of drier looking curries and I always wonder, where's the sauce!!
      I have a lot of recipes bookmarked already. I really like it so far. What I love about her is that she doesn't use a lot of expensive ingredients, and she usually mentions things you can swap out. I definitely plan on getting some stuff to make some recipes this week!
      I think my favorite cookbook is Veganomicon which is another odie but goodie!

  2. There is so much in that book, I hope you will find something to inspire you! As well as round ups that I have done on my blog (under the 1000 vegan recipes tag), here is another blog dedicated entirely to the book if you are looking for some more inspiration. She has now made more than half the recipes in the book!

    1. Oh thanks!! So Far I have quite a few things bookmarked that I want to make. When I go shopping this week I want to pick up all the stuff!

  3. I find sometimes that I find "new" vegan cookbooks at my library because they file it under the "salad" or "dessert" cookbooks. which I am okay with if it get more people to try vegan foods!

  4. Pretty much all I check out of my local public library is vegan cookbooks.


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