Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Dry Vegan Sausage and Books!!

I picked these up last week at Sprouts. They were on sale for two something and I decided to give them a try. Hilary's veggie burgers are one of my least favorite veggie burgers so I didn't have the highest hopes. But I guess the word spicy grabbed me. I don't really eat or even like breakfast food that much so I wasn't sure what to even do with them. Well, yesterday I ran some errands and went to the library. I did a lot of walking and by the time I got home I was HANGRY!!! So I decided to pop one in the oven for a quick snack, and to see how they are.
Well, like the veggie burgers, I'm not too much of a fan. It's the really dry, crumbly, mushy texture I don't like about the burgers and these sausages. And it almost seems like the millet is uncooked. Very strange. I know Hilary's burgers are kind of loved in the community, and I just can't join the club.
They have an okay flavor, although I definitely wouldn't call them spicy. I cooked this in the oven, I wonder if cooking it in a pan with a little oil would maybe help with the texture? These things desperately need a little fat, or some kind of moisture.
Here's my library haul. Vegan on the Cheap was the first vegan cookbook I ever owned. I was so proud to be a vegan cookbook owner! I lost it of course, but luckily thanks to the library I can revisit it! There is a recipe for a pasta salad that is dressed with a homemade goddess dressing and it is to die for , so I will definitely be making that soon! And yes, there are three self help books. I am always a work in progress!
The Utah art festival is this weekend, and most outdoor festivals like the artfest and also vegfest are held right around the library. They have fencing around while they build stages and whatever else, and the pigeons were snoopervising!


  1. Too bad about the Veggie Burgers! It's always disappointing to try a product you don't love but is highly reviewed/recommended. The book haul looks awesome, I love self help books. An art festival sounds amazing, if you check it out I'd love to see!

    1. I feel like everyone loves Hilary's burgers, and I just don't!!!
      I don't know if I'll go to the festival. I always want to go, but the thought of the crowd always keeps me away.

  2. I tried Hilary's here once and I was not a fan. Plus so expensive here!

    1. I'm glad I'm not alone!! It seems like so many people think Hilary's burgers are so wonderful and I'm over here scratching my head!!!


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