Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Good and The Bad!

I ran to Target for cat food yesterday and picked up these two treats. The kombucha was not my favorite. This is the second or third flavor from Health-Ade that I've tried. Their kombuchas are very dry and I don't care for that. Dry kombucha reminds me of hard cider and I don't like it at all. A short while after I moved to Seattle I discovered hard cider and I mean really discovered it. So the flavor just reminds me of a huge hangover!
The banana bites are a whole different story. It's dried banana covered in dark chocolate!! Peanut butter is the only thing that could make these better!
They're rich and just sweet enough. It feels like a treat but not a treat to feel guilty about. I definitely love these and would buy again!
This scene on the couch shook me to my core if I'm being honest. I don't know if I've ever seen Kiki choose to lay next to someone without cuddling! Especially Afro! Afro and Etta are her two favorite cuddle muffins!!!


  1. That's how you can tell the weather is getting warmer! The cuddling starts to drop off.

    And about those banana bites - I think your instincts are good. You need to dip them into that peanut butter or plop a little dab on top of each bite. You're definitely right - that would take it to the next level.

    1. I know! I can tell they're getting into summer positions!I'm going to miss all the cuddles, but I do like all the extra belly action!
      I didn't have peanut butter, but if I get those bites again I'm making sure I have peanut butter!!

  2. I have to agree, those banana bites would be even better with peanut butter! Too bad about the kombucha. I remember being disappointed by the pink lady apple flavor. Maybe it's best to stick to the humm brand ;) Aww snuggly babies need their space too. They certainly do look comfy though.

    1. I will definitely stick to the humm brand! I wanted to try the Target brand but they were sold out which was a bummer because it was on sale!
      They still love their blankets!!

  3. I’ve actually tried a few of the Target brand kombuchas that i liked well enough. The Healthade ones aren’t as carbonated as i want them to be (and their bottle are a huge pain to use to refill with my own booch) so i gave up on them all together.
    Fun find on the banana snack! (Although certainly too banana-centric for me)

    1. I wanted to try the Target brand but they were sold out!! It would definitely be a pain to try and refill those bottles with homemade!

  4. Those chocolate covered banana bites sounds amazing. A while ago a friend sent me some banana bites from the US and they were like a perfect, not-to-sweet treat. And all natural banana, so none of that weird fake banana flavour.

    1. THat's how these were, not too sweet but rich enough to feel like a treat. Although I don't mind the weird fake banana flavor, banana runts are my favorite!


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