Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Just Some Tasty Vegan Food

I'm a big fan of Brew Dr. kombucha. My favorite flavor is ginger lemon cayenne. I've never seen mint lemonade before and I couldn't not try it! Like all of Brew Dr.'s kombucha the flavor is very mild, but I like it. I taste the lemonade first, and then a little mint at the end. Very nice, would definitely buy again!
I made this delicious parsley and cilantro pesto last week. I used sunflower seeds, a little lemon, olive oil and of course nooch. This tasted like spring!
Several months ago I found some BFree gluten free bagels on a WooHoo sale for $.99 a package. I picked up two bags and put them in the freezer as soon as I got home. I haven't tried one yet, so the other night I made some kitchari and decided to finally try one of the bagels. I toasted it up in the oven and added a little coconut oil and nooch. They're okay. Definitely not a delicious gluten filled bagel, but still pretty all right.
I was craving a burrito bowl the other night so that's what I made. I cooked some black beans and soy curls in taco seasoning from Trader Joe's and threw it in a bowl with some rice and veggies. Topped with my favorite store bought salsa ever!

It's only $1.79 a jar too! This has been my favorite store bought salsa for at least ten years, going way back to my Seattle days! I think I discovered this around the time I went vegan!
I can't get enough rice bowls with gochujang peanut sauce! It's just so easy to make and it's so satisfying. And it's such a tasty way to get in a lot of veggies.
If anyone ever wonders why there is a reusable bag laying on my living room floor at all times, this is the reason. They all love to play with bags, but Kiki really loves this one. She scoots under it and either moves around or just lays there. Both her butt and head are poking out, but in her mind she is totally hidden!


  1. Yum! So much amazing food! I definitely need to make peanut sauce this week, every time I see yours it looks so freaking good. The pesto pasta looks incredible! SO does the burrito bowl, yum! OMG that picture of Kiki is too much, how precious!

    1. I love peanut sauce so much. I've been really craving it lately, although I've been eating it so much I'm scared I'll get sick of it!!

  2. Ooooh, burrito bowls always sound good to me! I’ve been buying the mango salsa from TJs for maybe ever myself-it’s not spicy at all so i pretend like i eat salsa ;)) that TJs taco seasoning is such a game changer- although if i use too much it gets pretty spicy. That tofu rice bowl looks fab to me too! Good eats at your place lately :))

  3. I'm sorry, but there is a cat in that last photo? I don't see anything, she is very well hidden! Hee hee.

  4. I haven't tried soy curls in a burrito bowl, that's a great idea! And your rice bowl looks incredible!
    Kiki, you are adorable!


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