Sunday, April 14, 2019

Saturday Stuff

This is my favorite time of year. It seems like every day there's a new blossom somewhere! Even though the weather has been all over the place, the flowers soldier on.
I loved the strawberry lemonade flavor so much I decided to try the pomegranate lemonade. I really don't know what I was thinking because I don't even like pomegranates!  Needless to say this wasn't my favorite, but it was definitely still drinkable, and if you like pomegranate I think you would LOVE this. Humm has definitely become one of my favorite brands of booch!
I can't stand cooked zucchini. I hate everything about it, the slimy texture, the seeds that float around, just everything. When I was a kid, my mom would make zucchini pancakes in the summer when her garden was producing little zukes at an insane pace. That was the only way I could stand to eat them cooked. She would serve them with sour cream and a salad and it was a delicious summer meal.
I randomly thought about those pancakes the other day and decided I had to try and make them!I just shredded about four zucchini, added salt, pepper, garlic powder, green onion and garbanzo bean flour.  These tasted so amazing!! I was going to make some vegan sour cream but I got lazy. It was fine without! I had the cakes with a salad and some sauerkraut. I see a lot more of these in my future, especially in the summer when stores are practically giving zucchini away!
Caturday morning cartoons with Roxy! She will watch an entire forty five minute bird video on YouTube, and then look at me like, is there more??


  1. Those zucchini cakes sound delicious!! I like zucchini raw, thin sliced for munching or shredded much better than just steamed which is too squishy for me.
    There’s no need to answer this if it’s uncomfortable, but are you still in touch with your mom? I just realized you don’t mention family much.
    Those kitty bird videos are too funny!! My friend’s kid is obsessed with watching these films of trains- it’s like a camera attached to the train. I don't get it but the kid is totally fascinated!

    1. I like thin sliced raw zucchini too. Squishy is a very, very good word for cooked, especially steamed zucchini. I get the chills just thinking about it!!
      No, I lost touch with my mom once I was adopted and I definitely no longer speak to my adopted family.
      Roxy and Joan will watch birds for cats all day I'm convinced!

  2. Cute Roxy! Dim Sim doesn't care about what's on the TV. I have showed her the cat TV stuff on my lap top but she ignores it.
    I love the look of those zucchini fritters! I love cooked zucchini, but it has to be done right. Sauteed or roasted is best, steamed is generally a bad bad of smooshy badness. Raw zucchini hurts my stomach, so no zoodles for me.

    1. Afro and Etta don't care much, and Kiki only vares for a few minutes! But Roxy and Joan can't get enough!!
      The fritters were so good! I already know I'm getting more zucchini and chickpea flour this weekend so I can make more!!
      I don't eat zoodles often because they don't always fill me up!! But with the fritters, the chickpea flour makes them nice and filling!

  3. Oooh I love zucchini fritters and yours look awesome! I have made something super similar so I'll definitely have to make them again soon! I bet they would be awesome with fresh corn added for a summery meal. Yuuuummmm!

  4. Have you ever tried zucchini hummus? It might be a good way to eat zucchini for you.

  5. Your zucchini pancakes sound great; I'll have to try making them sometime! Sweet Roxy!


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