Thursday, January 17, 2019

Beans on Top of Beans!

Really terrible picture of a really easy and tasty breakfast. Baked tofu seasoned with garlic powder and nooch, some refried beans and a beautiful avocado. This kept me full and satisfied for a long time.
I made some kitchari the other night. I also had the last of my clearance BFree dinner rolls. I'm so sad about that because gluten free rolls are expensive when not on clearance! I just really like to have a piece of bread with my soup. Before going gluten free I used to eat A LOT more soup, but I don't enjoy it as much without bread. I added lots of potatoes to this batch. Still working through ten pounds of potatoes!
I really needed to use the last of my ten pounds of potatoes so I made another curry. I just wasn't in the mood for oven fries. It's been unusually grey this winter, so I've really been wanting cozy and comforting meals. I also like meals like this or kitchari because I can make them ahead of time and reheat when I get home. I never really feel like cooking at midnight, so meals like this prevent me from having frozen fries for dinner!
I've been doing really well with adding more beans to my diet, but slacking in the add more veggies department. My budget was super tight this week and beans are cheaper than veggies. I know frozen veggies are inexpensive, but other than peas, corn and edamame I don't care for frozen veggies. I still remember trying frozen Brussels sprouts. They almost turned me off from Brussels altogether!
The corner of the couch has been the hottest real estate in town lately. Kiki has of course managed to shimmy in an force a cuddle!


  1. I'm not sure if you're allowed it on your diet or not, but frozen chopped spinach is always great to have on hand to add to soups. Honestly, it's indistinguishable from fresh in a soup or stew. And spinach is loaded with nutrition.

    1. You know I never think of frozen spinach. I only think of that for artichoke spinach dip. I can have spinach as long as it's cooked so I'll have to pick some up. I do love it in lentil soup! Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Oooh that breakfast sounds so good! I love refried beans, I've been meaning to pick some up! Oh no, so sad that the rolls are gone! Hopefully you'll be able to find them on clearance again soon! The soup and curry look great and it sounds like those potatoes are going such a long way!

    Aww sweet kitty cuddles! I love!

    1. The potatoes went too long to be honest!! I got so many meals out of that bag for $1.49!!
      I am so sad the rolls are gone. I look every single time I go!!

  3. Great dishes - as always! And I needed a kitty fix so that pic couldn't come any sooner!!!

  4. I love those B Free rolls! I wish they sold them here. I've only ever had them when they were sent to me for review. And I love the bean on bean breakfast!

    1. They're so good. So far I've tried their pita bread, sandwich bread and the dinner rolls. I love them all but I don't love the price!!
      Beans on beans!

  5. Kiki the cuddle monster.
    Frozen Brussels sprouts sound horrendous!

  6. I need to buy refried beans more often, they’re so good! In the winter i buy a lot of canbage since it’s always cheap and holds up well- you could totally add some finely shredded cabbage to any soup or stew style meal, just takes a while to soften. I hope you find those rolls on clearance again! I know trader joes has some gf rolls, not sure if they’re tasty but if not they’ll take them back!

  7. Baked tofu, refried beans, and avocado sounds like a great combination! Cute kitty cuddles, as always!


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