Sunday, July 9, 2017

Trying To Beat the Heat

How cute is this picture of Daisy and Ivy? I'm learning that dogs are much easier to photograph than cats. I feel so bad because I haven't been able to walk them, and I don't know when I will again. Temps have been 100 plus here in SLC, and show no sign of cooling anytime soon. So we try to make the best of the backyard. But it's still so hot that there isn't much fun to be had for any of us. My whole life summer has been my time. I love being outdoors and soaking up the sun, but I'm absolutely hating summer this year. I can't stand to be outside to be honest. This is way too extreme. And it might sound crazy, but I miss humidity. This dryness is really killing me. My eyes hurt when I get home, and I'm just really, really miserable. I am so incredibly homesick for the mild weathered Seattle. Sorry for the rant, it wasn't planned but I need to express myself.
Here's Daisy bringing her ball back to me. As you can see the backyard is super dry, the grass is like straw, and like I said, we just try to make the best of it.
I love orange sunflowers. You don't see them very often. This cheered me up a bit when I saw it.
I've been eating super simple meals. Even though my apartment has AC, when I get home I'm so drained from the heat I just can't be bothered to be super fancy or creative.
I had this gluten free pasta with sun dried pesto the other night. I shredded some collard greens and cooked them with the pasta. I added lots of nooch and crushed red pepper to the final product. Easy one pot meal and it was really tasty too.
Last night I made quinoa and collard greens, and tossed them with a mustard and apple cider vinegar vinaigrette. I also had curry fries. I am so incredibly happy that I have mastered fluffy quinoa! It's just so much more delicious when it's fluffy and not mushy and soggy.
I actually got Afro to watch birds for cats for awhile! She got bored after a few minutes though. It's really only Roxy and Joan who will watch the whole show. But while she was into it, she was REALLY into it.
And here's Kanye lounging like her life depends on it. Someone on Instagram pointed out that this picture is almost NSFW!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I live on the East coast and everyone complains about the humidity, but after my parents went to Phoenix for a week in July 1981, my mother could not stop talking about how difficult it is to walk even a short way in the dry heat. I don't think she ever griped about humidity again!

    No slut shaming of little Kanye! (Sorry, I couldn't resist; I was watching "Riverdale" last night)

    1. I now, my whole life I've heard people complain about humidity, and swear that dry heat is better. But as someone who has now experienced both, dry heat is much worse. It takes your breath away and burns my eyes. I loathe it. Dessert life is not for me.
      Kanye is definitely too cute to slut shame!

  3. Hahahaha Kanye! Just showing the world her bits! :-) You'd probably hate it down here. Haha. It's HOT all summer. But we do have humidity, so it's like nearly 100 and humid at the same time. :-) I LOVE the heat, but I get super whiny in the winter. I can't deal with cold at all. Like anything below 60 feels frigid.

    1. I used to lie for summertime, and dread winter but dealing with this dry dessert heat is making me long for winter. I don't even know who I am anymore because I have always hated winter!
      Kanye is such a centerfold!!

  4. Wowza! That is definitely hot! I don't walk Remy when it is that hot.

    When I was in Seattle last week, the humidity was low and it was about 80 degrees everyday. What was wonderful: the regular cool breeze! But holy incline, we were sweating from the walk uphill. Interestingly, we spoke to one guy on Bainbridge Island and he said this past winter and spring was incredibly difficult due to the cloud cover. Lots of people deciding to move because of the resulting depression, some even going to Hawaii!

    1. It took me a very long time, but I eventually got used to the rain and grey in Seattle. I miss it so much. The sun here is brutal and I'm starting to see it as my enemy which I never ever thought I would say. I miss Seattle like crazy!

  5. Oh Kanye, she looks so cute though!
    The heat sounds horrible, that dry heat just saps the life out of you.

    1. Kanye is so cute huh!
      The dry heat is killing me. I dread the sun which is so weird to say. It really does suck the life right out of you!

  6. Not a summer fan either (er... heat fan) I just count down the days till summer is over. I keep telling my husband that we need to move up north where the heat waves are 80 degrees.

    1. I now. I'm used to heat waves being in the 90's at the most. Here temps in the 90's are considered cool and I hate it.

  7. Yikes!!! That's crazy. I hope you've been able to find ways to keep cool and make sure you hydrate like crazy. Such sweet pictures of the pups. Kanye is hilarious!

    The meals look great, the pasta dish sounds yummy. I always love the idea of sun dried tomato pesto but I've never made it before. I feel like that should change.

    1. There isn't enough water in the world. I am constantly drinking water and slathering coconut oil on my skin. It's miserable.
      Sun dried tomato pesto is sooooooo good! It's really good on pizza too!

  8. I really hope it cools down for you soon; I would not be able to handle that kind of heat! It reached the high 80s here the past several days (and even that's too hot for me!), but we had rain last night, which was so welcome!
    Simple meals make a lot of sense in the summer, and yours look great!
    I love Afro's head tilt while watching the bird video! And Kanye looks like she doesn't have a care in the world, haha!

  9. Awwwwww furkids and fur friends! That's a lovely flower, too!


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