Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Cauliflower and Cashew Alfredo

I realize as I am typing this that I am the worst blogger. I so rarely make any meals that have any relevance to any holidays. I don't really celebrate any of the traditional American holidays for a plethora of reasons, and holidays like the 4th. are hard because being gluten free has really taken the burgers and sandwiches out of my life. So, although I made a delicious meal last night, it is definitely not a summer celebration type of meal. But, I am who I am and I ate cauliflower again so that's cause for it's own celebration!
I fiddled around with cauliflower Alfredo again using a lot more cauliflower(four cups!!!!) and less cashews. I would say if you love cauliflower you probably don't even need cashews in this sauce, although they do add a little extra creaminess and probably help make it a little more filling. This was thick, and creamy and rich. The roasted garlic and onion really add a deep flavor and I just really love it. What a sneaky way to get some veg in!!

                                                           Cauliflower and Cashew Alfredo
  • 5 Garlic Cloves
  • 1/2 Medium to Large Onion
  • 4 Cups Cauliflower (1/2 med.large head of cauliflower)
  • 1/2 Cup Soaked Cashews
  • 4 T. Nutritional Yeast
  • 1/2 Tsp. Salt
  • 1/2 Tsp. Pepper 
  • 1/2 Tsp. Italian Seasoning
  • 3/4 to 1 Cup Water
Roast the onion and garlic in a piece of foil or a baking dish for about thirty to forty minutes in a 350 degree oven. When they're close to being done you can start the rest of the sauce. Cut your cauliflower into florets and boil or steam for about ten minutes. Allow to cool a bit, and then just add the drained cauliflower, cashews, spices, onion, garlic and water  to your blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Start with 3/4 cup of the water, and add more as needed. I ended up adding the whole cup. I used about eight ounces of pasta, and it was really saucy so this is definitely enough for close to a pound of pasta. Especially if you thin it out with a bit of the pasta water.
Don't let this sweet, innocent face fool you! Afro had just been a very BAD girl! As I've mentioned she is obsessed with going outside. But she can't just sit in our little space and appreciate being outside. She has to try and run down the stairs every chance she gets. And if I stand at the top of the stairs to block her she does her best to get around me. Yesterday she made it all the way to the bottom and was a total pill to round up and get up the stairs and inside. What she doesn't understand is that there are five apartments in my building, and three of the units have dogs whose humans don't use leashes. That is a whole different rant for a different day, but it just isn't always safe for a curious little kitty! So, she had just given me a huge bit of anxiety and probably shaved some minutes off my life!


  1. I am not much of a holiday themed food person either. Very rarely do I want certain foods for certain times of the year (gingerbread in december, champagne for special "brunches", etc) but my husband is into the holiday stuff.

    1. I used to be more into holiday themed foods, not sure what changed for me but I'm okay with being non traditional! But I agree gingerbread in December is the best!

  2. Oh man, I'm glad you got her inside! A few of my cats have escaped a time or two (one poor guy was left out all night and we didn't even notice! And he was waiting on the porch the next day!), and it is scary. Thanks for sharing the alfredo recipe! I want to try this!

    1. I've had cats get out and get lost before too and it is one of the worst feelings ever. I don't know what I'm going to do with her, she's just so bad and now she's obsessed with sneaking down the stairs! She might have to be permanently grounded.
      I hope you like the Alfredo recipe, it's sooooo surprisingly tasty!

  3. I usually don't adhere to holiday festiveness but I felt like having a boca burger yesterday so I figured why not go for it and be festive :) Your pasta does look delicious!!

    How mischievous!! I'm glad that all ended well minus the anxiety and panic. She's clearly very adventurous!

    1. Your boca burger made me drool on Instagram! Boca vegan patties were always one of my favorites, even when I wasn't vegan I loved them!
      She is being so naughty lately, I'm considering grounding her for life if she doesn't stop being so adventurous!

  4. I am amused by making 'themed' food, though I am not particularly festive about a lot of holidays. But my mum is huge on 'tradition', so I often end up making something.
    I have the Superfun Times Holiday Cookbook, so this year I am trying to make something around the correct time of year for every holiday. But that is mainly just to amuse myself.
    The only holiday food that brings me actual excitement is hot cross buns at easter, because those are the best and I am so happy that they now start selling them the day after Christmas. I want hot cross buns all year!

    1. I definitely always check the library for that cookbook. I think it seems fun, and I always think maybe it will make me feel more festive.
      I've never had a hot cross bun, and I feel like I'm missing out!

  5. Your cauliflower Alfredo looks so creamy & delicious! Oh, Afro, what a naughty little adventurer! Glad you were able to get her back inside!

    1. It really was so delicious, much to my surprise!
      She is being so naughty lately. I don't know if I can keep letting her outside because she is so obsessed with going down the stairs, and she is very fast!

  6. Cauli-Cashew...sounds and looks AMAZING! Totally up my alley! I have to try this and soon!


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