Tuesday, December 6, 2016

This Needs To Stop

I had to take a break from my break and post this. This makes me so incredibly sick I can hardly breathe. This is our country. I am so sick of hearing people whine and bitch about football players who are taking a knee during the national anthem at football games. This guy was RUNNING AWAY. The cop planted the taser. This man was scared of the police as anyone of color should be.
Although ever since I started this blog I have spoken out against racism, and on my last post I spoke of my adoptive parents being horrible racists, I've never mentioned this. My adoptive dad is a magistrate, he sits in as a judge in court cases. A JUDGE!! And he hates anyone who isn't a white Christian. He also is the head of HR at a company in Erie that deals with mental health and has various centers for drug and alcohol addiction. What I'm saying is he has some amount of power over certain situations and people. And my adoptive mom used to be a therapist which is how I met her(I was her client gourd help me) and now she works as a nurse at a place that treats low income, homeless and mentally ill patients. To hear her talk about the patients, and her stories of what she and her bitchy coworkers say about the clients is enough to make me gag for the rest of my life.
When I was a kid, my step dad was an electrical engineer for some railroad company. We lived in Ohio, but he often had to travel to West Virginia. He used to come home and tell stories of the ignorant bigoted people he encountered. So I had it in my head that racists were only hillbillies, and so although it's disgusting, they're just hillbillies. But unfortunately I have learned that there are college educated people in power who have no empathy, and have hate in their heart and they have power over certain situations.
As I mentioned on my last post I am taking the rest of December off because I am an emotional mess, but I want everyone to know that when I come back I will be not only talking about veganism, I will be talking about racism. I can not and will not just let these incidents fly over my head and not say or do anything about it.
We have a president who whether he really is racist or not, he ran his campaign on hate and racism. He has made hate and racism acceptable, and would rather tweet about SNL hurting hims precious feelings than address the fear and hate he has created. 
I don't know what the answer is, racism is deep and often handed down and taught from generation to generation. It's hard to change people's minds. And while it's sweet to say love trumps hate, tell that to the families of people so deeply harmed by racism. But I know the answer for me is to take a stand, just like I have by being a vegan. When I come back after this month is over, I will do my part to fight the ignorance and hate, and I won't be silenced no matter how many anonymous people come after me.
Black Lives Matter.


  1. Us anonymous people will be waiting even though we really are on your side on most things, except politics.

    1. I will be blocking anonymous comments because your email was totally out of line and you went for the jugular. I consider it bullying. I will be talking about Dump ALOT over the next four years and it is my right. And it is your right to disagree, but not to personally attack me the way you did. Not to mention your snarky Obama care comment. I plan on blocking anonymous comments so just find a vegan Dump blog to follow.

    2. This anonymous person does not have your email address and did not send you any emails. Must have been another anonymous person who disagrees with you on some issues or politics.

    3. Please accept my sincere apology if it wasn't you. I have an anonymous person who really verbally attacked me and I shouldn't have assumed it was you. Again, I'm really sorry for the mistake.

    4. Thank you for your apology. Not all of us anonymous people are completely disagreeable but I understand where you're coming from. I'll miss your blog posts.

    5. Again, I am so embarrassed that I attacked you. I shouldn't have assumed it was you. I have quite a few anonymous people who are wonderful, and until recently have had no problems at all.
      The anonymous person I mistook you for just left a nasty comment on yesterdays post, so at least i got to tell off the right person!!
      I do hope you will continue to read my blog. I appreciate and love all my readers, and as long as we're all respectful. we don't have to agree on everything. I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season!

  2. UGH, I KNOW!! People are the worst, and it's never (at least in my lifetime) been so apparent and just out in the open. Like it's socially acceptable to be racist now, at least in some circles (thankfully, not in the area where I live!). But seriously, this does need to stop. I'm glad you'll be coming back and taking it on when you're feeling better! But do take your time and take a rest. <3

    1. It makes me so angry and sad. And I fear it's only going to get worse in the next four years. Thanks for the support!

  3. I agree with you 100%. The very worst thing about Trump's win is that these haters feel like it's given them some sort of license to come out of the closet. It's kind of unfortunate that even perfectly harmless people who voted for him (perhaps misguidedly imagining that he will create jobs or whatever) are unable to see or admit the negative impact his victory has had on tolerance and compassion.

    1. I know, I really don't understand it. You can still be supportive of someone but be aware of their imperfections. It angers me so much that Dump will speak out about SNL and Hamilton, but not this. And his supporters are just so starstruck. It is so maddening!!

  4. I've only recently started reading your blog (best blog name ever) and I wanted to send you a virtual high-five. I look forward to your return and more talk about food and politics and whatever else you want to talk about.

    1. Wow, thank you so much!! You have no idea how much I needed to hear that, and how much it brightened my day!!


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