Monday, November 9, 2020

Yes We Did!!!!

 How happy is everyone that Cheeto lost?? I went through the gamut of emotions. Leading up to election day I felt so confident that Biden was going to win, and then the couple of days after my confidence started quivering a little, but in the end kindness and decency won. 

And a woman Vice President, a woman of color!! I'm not usually a patriotic kind of gal, but damn this makes me cry, and feel proud. I know we have an INCREDIBLE amount of work to do, but we have to take a minute to appreciate this progress!!!

These are not decent. These are the Trump of gummies. I've been hearing a lot of good things about these candies, they're very popular in the keto/low carb universe. Not all flavors are vegan, but they have two or three vegan offerings. They use monkfruit sweetener, stevia and something called allulose which is apparently found in raisins? These tasted so fake, and that's saying a lot because lets face it, it's not like gummy candy tastes natural. But the texture is off, the flavor is way off, and my stomach hurt pretty badly after eating them. 

They're pretty expensive for gummy candy, so I've never been willing to try them. But, eighty cents is a different story!

Unfortunately, after trying them I feel like I'd like my eighty cents back. These are BAD.  

Honestly for me, I'd rather have a banana or dates, or ANYTHING else if I'm trying to avoid carbs or sugar. These are a hard no from me dawg!

Yesterday I was so happy about the election, but so sad about the snowfall we had so I decided I needed a celebratory comfort meal. I made Aloo potato curry, recipe from the AMAZING Wil Yeung. This is the fourth or fifth time I've made this dish, and I love it more every time I make it!! Here is the recipe, I cannot recommend it enough! I've made several of his dishes, and loved every single one. 

Look at that long and graceful back leg!! Supermodel of the world right here ladies and gents!


  1. I don't think my anxiety will die down until after the inauguration, but Saturday was a tremendous reprieve!

    1. My anxiety is back up too. I'm starting to feel scared he's actually going to cheat his way back in!

  2. YAY!! I'm so still excited about Biden/Kamala. I CRIED SO MUCH ON SATURDAY. Such a good day! I'm sorry about those gummies though. They sound terrible.

  3. The Trump of gummies... wow, they must really suck!
    I am so so so so happy about the election results over there! I woke up Sunday morning to the news that Biden had definitely won, and it was a great way to finish my weekend.

  4. Yes! I actually felt patriotic too after hearing Biden's (and Kamala's!!) victory speech. There's still a lot of ugliness up ahead, but we WILL be welcoming Joe and Kamala to the white house in January!

  5. OMG, "the Trump of gummies" -- I will be sure to avoid them, thanks for the warning, haha!
    I'm glad you were able to enjoy a nice celebratory meal after the election news!
    Cute pose, Bubba!


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