Thursday, November 5, 2020

Small Vegan Sprouts Haul

 I haven't been to Sprouts in awhile, and with everything going on, I figured it would be a nice distraction to see what's new. Honestly, it wasn't very distracting. I felt like a zombie, just wandering around. I went with a budget, but no list. I've mentioned a million times I'm not a meal planner, but I do like to have some ideas for meals, and I usually do have a list. So, I have a small haul picture.

Vegan jello, sweet potato, kombucha, cilantro, green onion, bananas, celery,carrots,tofu, mushroom latte, teecino ground and teabags,oat creamer, red, yellow and russet potatoes, apples, cuties, lemons,coconut milk, Pacifica serum

Bolthouse Farms is in the salad dressing game now! I can't resist a vegan blue cheese, and even better if it's spicy!

Here's Bubba being cute, hanging out in his favorite bag in the shelf. Cat in the shelf?


  1. He's festive! Isn't there an elf on the shelf or something? I would much prefer a cat in the shelf!

  2. Is the Bolthouse vegan blue cheese dressing any good? Can you please describe how it tastes, and how spicy it is. I value your opinion. Thanks.

  3. Oh, darling Bubba. You look into a face like that and know everything's gonna be all right somehow.

  4. We're all zombies these days. Hang in there.

  5. Bubba in his bag on the shelf is exactly what I needed to see this morning! Such a cutie! <3


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