Friday, April 17, 2020

What I Ate!

Earlier this week my stomach was feeling a little more normal. Whatever we can call normal nowadays right? Then, Tuesday and Thursday came with more earthquakes! Tuesday night we had one, and then yesterday morning. So, in one month we've had three earthquakes plus over two hundred aftershocks!
So, anxiety stomach as I've come to call it is back.
For no real reason I took pictures of what I ate yesterday so why not share it? Not very exciting, but keeping up with my normal blogging schedule has helped me with my mental health so here we are!

Leftover kitchari for breakfast
Celery apple juice later in the day
Spicy hoisin glazed tofu with edamame

I found a handful of extremely freezer burned frozen edamame and I was so freaking excited for a little extra green! It's funny all the small things you start to miss, and realize you took for granted.
I don't take these two for granted! These were taken minutes from each other. It's like after I took the first picture, they decided to get even cuter!


  1. Oh my goodness, Hillary, this is such a weird coincidence, but I was in my freezer last night to see if we had any frozen peas and, lo and behold, there was an old [sealed] bag of edamame. I was only going to make part of the bag and clip it closed but when I cut it open, they were all freezer burned! I didn't realize that would happen if the bag had never been opened. Needless to say, I made them all just to use them up.

    Am I strange to think this is a freaky coincidence?

    1. That is a freaky coincidence! I didn't use all of my edamame at once, those freezer burned guys got me some green in three different meals!
      They tasted fine to me when cooked, what did you think?

  2. That is very scary with the earthquakes!!! Like there isn't enough to deal with right now. Wrap yourself around those kitties!!

    1. The timing of it all is the scariest part! I have definitely been loving on the kitties more than usual!

  3. I know just what you mean about taking normal things for granted. Now it seems like everything I have is magical and I must relish it as if I will never have it again.

    1. That's how I feel! I almost feel scared to use some things, like I need to hoard them. And I miss small things like thrifting, and I can't believe how much I took such simple things for granted!

  4. I hope your stomach starts to feel better again soon! What sweet little cuddlers!

    1. Thank you, I hope so too! I know, it's almost unbearable how cute they are!

  5. Sweet cuddly babies, how adorable! Earthquakes are terrifying but I'm glad you are ok! I hope that your stomach feels better soon <3


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