Saturday, April 11, 2020

What I Ate, Plus Cats!

My anxiety was acting up yesterday, which meant my stomach was acting up. So I made a big batch of kitchari to have for breakfasts for the next few days. I had leftover coconut rice which I added at the end,and it's a great addition! I swear kitchari has magical healing powers, because I always feel better after having it!
Later in the day I made a carrot, orange juice which I didn't take a picture of. I also had this really tasty apple.
I picked this up last week at Trader Joe's, and yesterday was a perfect day to treat myself. Enjoyed while soaking in an Epsom salt bath.
I had the last of my very valuable potatoes for dinner. Dipped in BBQ sauce and vegan chipotle mayo. Potatoes are always very easy on my stomach and digestion. I remember the couple of times I did the potato diet, my digestion was amazing!
My stomach feels a little better today, but I still don't feel one hundred percent. I hope this isn't the new normal!
People were letting their dogs play on the schoolyard behind my apartment, and Kiki and Roxy were watching and judging the nerve of the dogs for barking!
And here is a picture of Bubba, my shadow! When he isn't sleeping, he feels safest right by my side! You never know when Kiki is going to pop up ready to punch!


  1. Your potatoes look so good, and I hope you continue feeling better! Bubba is such a cutie, what a little sweetheart!

    1. Thank you! It comes and goes so everyday is a new adventure! Ha!
      He really is such a sweetie!

  2. I hope you can get more potatoes soon! They don't seem to be sold out around here anymore, anyway.

    1. It's been so weird. The few potatoes I've found look to be like a million years old and way past their prime!!
      I hope it changes soon!

  3. Oh sweet Bubba. He knows where he is safe. <3
    I hope you feel better.


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