Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Kind of an Update

I've written and deleted this post a gazzillion times over the last few days. I'm going to try and just go, and let this one go out there to the webz, otherwise it's going to be 2020 and I'm still going to be typing and deleting.
I've always been on a tight budget, but in the last few months I've had some increases in my cost of living, and not much of an increase in income. So I have been eating some real basic ass food. And I just don't feel like talking about food. Honestly I've barely been reading blogs because it's just kind of like pouring salt in the wound.
I just know things have gotten stale. How many times can I show some variation of a curry, and a tofu, rice and veggie bowl?? And my hauls are just always the same thing. I've loved blogging since I started this, but lately I haven't loved it. It feels like a homework assignment I just can't figure out. And so it's not fun.
I'll get through this spell, I've always lived on a shoestring budget, but in the past when it's been this bad I wasn't trying to blog or have Instagram. It was a more peaceful time.
Because I'm a commitment phobe and can be impulsive, I don't want to say I'll never blog again. But I also don't want to commit to anything. I was thinking maybe I'll try posting once a week, like what I ate that week and cat updates or something.
So, I'm sorry this update doesn't give a whole lot of answers. I am just trying to get through day by day. I haven't been taking pictures of any food, and it's been so freaking nice! But I'll try to take some pictures if I eat anything nice just so if I feel like posting I have some stuff. And the kitties are always being cute so lots to take there.


  1. Thanks for the update - I was worried about you. Don't feel obligated to blog if you don't want to, just know there's a lotta love for you out here in cyber-land. Oh, and the occasional Kiki pic is always appreciated! Hang tough, dude.

  2. I am sorry things are rough at the moment. Blogging should be something to enjoy, not a commitment or obligation. If you need to take a break, or just sporadically blog, do whatever you need to do. Cat photos and updates are always fun, take the focus away from food. You know where I am on Instagram and Twitter if you need anything. <3

  3. Thank you for the update and I'm so sorry that you are having such a tough time. Do whatever you feel you need to do to find some peace in your life. We all just want you to take care of yourself and if you need to take a break or walk away to do so then we understand. Please don't ever hesitate to reach out, you know how to reach me!

  4. You need to do what's right for you at this time. I hope having a break helps. It did for me. Sending love xxx

  5. Sending you lots of love <3


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