Sunday, October 6, 2019

An Update on the Update

I wanted to hop on here and give a little update on my update. It's more of an update on me, not the blog since I still don't know what I want to do on that front. But, back to me! I've been job searching on and off for quite some time. Sometimes I go really hard, and then after some rejection and hating all my options I'll give up for awhile. Well, last week I ran into Natural Grocers for something, and they had a sign hiring for a produce assistant so I applied. Unfortunately someone else got that position, but I got hired as a cashier! I will be getting paid one dollar more an hour, and they give other perks which will help out. First of all, a discount on everything, including vitamins and supplements, and they give employees a dollar credit for every hour worked which you can use anytime you want on groceries or whatever. So, even though I'm still stuck cashiering, it's got more perks and it's for a better company. It all happened so fast, and I start on Monday morning!!! It's funny how life can change in an instant. I'm grateful my change was a good one!
I'm still not sure what this means for this blog. I know even though it's not going to be a huge change in income, the environment is going to be so much nicer and I know I'll feel better mentally. But my budget is still going to be shoestring, and I'm probably going to continue to eat simple, basic foods. But I already feel like blue skies are coming, so I'm hopeful I'll feel a little lighter.

This is what I was picking up at Natural Grocers when I saw the job posting. It was on sale and I had been wanting to try it for awhile. I actually like this better than GT's kombucha!! It has a light pineapple flavor with a touch of peach. It's like a lightly flavored, very lightly fizzy water with a bit of that fermented tartness. Highly recommend!!!
Bubba is still loving life and avoiding Kiki. Kiki is still stalking and pouncing. I've started calling her thug life. I never would have guessed she had such a side to her!
Ha, Afro yawned just as I was taking this picture. I love it because it looks like she's cracking up at the most hilarious joke!!!
I start my new job tomorrow and I'm just so excited. Hopefully this is the start of a whole new chapter.


  1. This is wonderful news! Well done on keeping going with the job searching. So pleased this has come through. Those sound like some good staff perks.

  2. Congratulations! A place called "Natural Grocers" seems like a much better fit for you than the store where were you working before. And hey - one dollar an hour more is a step up, not to mention that the extra dollar per hour store credit kind of amounts to an hourly increase of two dollars! Not too shabby. I'm very excited for you. Good luck on your first day!

  3. Yay, congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Natural Grocers sounds like it will be much nicer!
    Bubba looks so cozy!
    Best of luck tomorrow! <3

  4. This is amazing news! I am so happy for you. Good luck on your first day. <3

  5. I am glad you got a new job! Discounts rock! And who knows, maybe you can move up to a better position than cashier while working there.

    Do what you need to do. I never fully notice the repetitiveness of your posts, but I feel you. If you don't like blogging, then don't do it. Better it is when you want to.

  6. Congrats on the new job! I love Natural Grocers! My parents have one in my hometown, so I love stop in there and see what kinds of products they carry that I can't get in Memphis. And the discount you'll get will be super sweet.

    As for the blog, I hope you don't give it up! But I understand if you feel you need a break. I love your blog, partly to keep up with you but also because I'm always inspired by your budget-friendly meals. I spend WAAAAY too much on food (money I should be saving), and when I see what beautiful, healthy meals you can create on a budget, it's truly inspiring. And I love seeing your cats! :-)

  7. Congratulations on your new job! It sounds like a pretty huge step up. I love seeing what you do with a small budget; I'm afraid I'm not very good at that most of the time. But your food is still so pretty! Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best.

  8. Ahh congrats on the job!!!! I'm so glad that your work environment will be improving and what great perks! A pay increase is always great and the discount and credit will be great and a huge help I'm sure! I'm so happy for you!

    I'm with The Student-turned-Doctor, I love seeing your amazing budget meals. It's very inspiring to me and many others I'm sure. I totally understand wanting the break and definitely support you on it. Whatever you decide to do I'll be here to support you! <3


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