Saturday, July 27, 2019

Taking a Break

I just wanted to pop on here really quick and say that I'm going to be taking a little break from blogging. Between my tight budget and feeling so uninspired in the kitchen I just feel like this blog has gotten stale.Like I cannot describe another curry or tofu, veggies and rice bowl which have become staples in my diet. I've tried to get inspired again, checking out cookbooks from the library and such, but nothing has really been helping.
I also try to keep it kind of light here, and I haven't been feeling light and I don't have the energy to fake it.
With August coming up and being MOFO month, it seems like the perfect time to take a break. The blogosphere is going to be full of amazing, fresh content. I'm excited, MOFO is my favorite time of year, although hasn't it always been in September?
I also deactivated my Instagram account and I have to say it feels AMAZING! Not checking for likes is the best feeling in the world! I don't compare myself to beautiful people with perfect bodies on Instagram and feel bad, but I do feel like such a pathetic loser with beautiful food pictures, and products I'll never be able to afford. I feel like that enough of the time, I don't need social media to help.
So I'm going to sit on the sidelines for awhile, and hopefully once I catch my breath I'll be back to feeling inspired and a little happier.


  1. I'll certainly miss you and your kitties (and your food!) while you're on break, but it sounds like this is the healthy thing for you to do right now. I'm glad you already feel better for having deactivated your Instagram, and I hope this break continues to be healing for you <3

    1. Thank you so much! It's actually been really nice just sitting down and eating food! And I barely use my phone anymore!!!

  2. You know I love seeing your beautiful meals and adorable kitties but I care most about your mental health and happiness. I hope that in this time off you'll be able to heal and and enjoy the space and become inspired again. I'm so glad that you feel better after deactivating Instagram. While it can be fun and inspiring it can also be toxic. I've taken many extended breaks and always feel better when I do. I hope that you'll find peace and happiness in your break and we'll all be here when you come back <3

    1. It really has been nice not taking pictures and worrying about how bad the picture is!
      I am starting to feel a little bit better. It's nice just eating food!

  3. Hang in there, Hillary. Just enjoy life with the kitties and know that we're all out here wishing you the best and missing you.

  4. I'll miss you, but I understand. You do what you need to do.

  5. Your blog has been a nice source of real inspiration/camaraderie for me, the real meals and struggles resonate with me. Just wanted to say thanks and hope to see you back online sometime. I've had many a night with little motivation to cook and the easy ideas are always encouraging. xxoo KE

    1. Thank you so much. That means a lot!
      I'll definitely be back!

  6. I loved your Vegan Mofo budget ideas last year. Your blog felt very authentic to me, and I got a good vibe about you from what you wrote. Some vegan bloggers put up a wall to hide behind. If you peak through the cracks, you can see there's a bit of fakeness to what they say. It's very hard to trust or follow someone like that. While I've only known about your blog for about a year, when I clicked its bookmark, I always felt like I was about to visit a friend for a nice meal and some quality cat time. The simple, easy-to-make meals that you put together on the cheap is real life stuff for real budget-minded people. Not something pretentious, or perfect or phony. I can relate. Thanks for the great content and the adorable cat pictures. I hope your time off on the sidelines energizes you to come back soon and continue sharing your ideas. I'll look forward to your return. Peace. 'o' - Ana Sofia

    1. Thank you so much. I'm really feeling better and I really appreciate the kind words and encouragement!

  7. I too want you to know I really enjoy your blog. Yes, maybe the meals are "beige" sometimes and you're not a professional photographer, but there's something about it that I like. It just feels a little more "real life-ish" than some of the slick blogs with new fancy recipes. You know we're all rooting for you. Enjoy your time off with your cats and hopefully you will be able to come back healthy and happy!

    1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate the kind words!!

  8. Sending hugs. You take care of yourself. Xxx


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