Saturday, July 6, 2019

Random Saturday

There is a fence by my apartment that has concord grape vines growing on it. I noticed yesterday that the grapes are starting to grow! In a couple of months I'll have all the free grapes I can handle!
Yes, those are hail balls that fell on July 4th! It hailed heavy here for about fifteen or twenty minutes. One minute it was ninety degrees and sunny, and the next minute ice balls were falling. In July, So scary.
I've been eating pretty basic and boring. Lots of bean and rice variations, and that will be continuing through this week.

Lentil and tofu curry is always on my menu regardless of my budget. Last night I was just going to have beans and rice, then I remembered I had some masa flour so I made pupusas filled with mayocoba beans, green onion and nooch.
My food this week is going to be super boring and super bare bones. I had pretty much no budget this week hence the no haul, so I'm just going to take this week, or most of it off of blogging. I know it's a fun and trendy thing on YouTube to do budget challenges, or living below the poverty line but it isn't fun or trendy to actually have to live it.
So, I'll be back probably next Saturday with a haul, and hopefully a little cheerier mood!


  1. Hey Hillary - feel free to post pics of the girls if you have no good food posts. I'd say my interest in your blog is definitely 50/50 - half the food and the other half the kitties. And anyhow, I think everyone will miss you guys if you're away for an entire week! Hang in there.

    1. Thank you, that's so nice to say. I'll let the girls know their little faces will be missed.

  2. Yay for free grapes! I hope your week is OK. <3

  3. Ooh free grapes sounds exciting! I remember there being a freak hailstorm like that when I was a teenager when these giant hailstones appeared out of nowhere for about 15 minutes on a summer night. It was really creepy! Everyone was putting them in their freezers as they couldn't quite believe it had happened and wanted proof, lol.

    1. Ha, I kind of wish I would have put some in the freezer. This is the first time I've experienced this, it was freaking scary!

  4. I hope that you are feeling ok <3 I know that you think your food is really boring but I think that your food and how you use your ingredients is inspiring to people that actually do need to live on a very strict, tight budget. I know I look to you for inspiration because I am struggling financially as well. The challenges you see are indeed flippant but I know there are a lot of people out there calling them on it too. You are a very strong woman and I admire you so much!

  5. How cool about the grapes, but the hail sounds pretty freaky! I hope that your week has been ok so far <3

  6. Yey free food! You are doing people a favor- picking those grapes instead of letting them go bad and attracting yucky bugs. At least I tell myself those type of things when I take food like that.

    We had hail the other day too. But it pretty much melted in the rain afterwards.

    Hope you got through the week ok. Have you ever checked out Cooking on a Bootstrap? The owner is now living more comfortably but she wrote the blog when she was living below the poverty line. Some of her recipes are vegan. It is worth checking out for inspiration.


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