Thursday, August 16, 2018

Vegan 7-11 Mini Haul and More!

I was at my friendly local 7-11 yesterday and look what I spied! I didn't even know Silk creamer made the little individual packets, and who knew 7 freaking 11 would be the first place I would see them! These are just sitting right there by all the other creamers! I remember when soy or rice milk were the only options for coffee and neither was great. I was still a daily coffee drinker when I went vegan and the first time I used soy milk it kind of curdled when it hit the coffee. And now look at us!
My mini Smith's haul. I loved the cauliflower puffs so much I decided to try the Brussels sprouts puffs while they're still on sale. They taste pretty much identical to the cauliflower puffs which I am fine with because they are AHMAZING! I also got avocados on sale and some miso paste. My digestion has been wonky so a nice bowl of miso soup should soothe me!
These are the star of my haul. You guys no joke for maybe a year now I've been wanting to try these but they're a little spendy so I always pass. But they call my name every time. They just happen to be on the same aisle as the miso ans the yellow sticker jumped out at me. I cannot wait to try these. I enjoy Dr. Praeger's Bombay burgers and I hope these are as good. I really, really love a WooHoo sale!
This was an amazing meal if I do say so myself! I made some falafel and ha them on a bed of Romaine with half an avocado, some fries, a pickle and a spicy tahini garlic sauce. Why don't I eat fries on salads more often? This hit all the spots and it was really simple to make!


  1. I spotted a bottle of Silk Creamer with the other creamers at 7-11 once too! I am so impressed with them having vegan options because they honestly have great coffee for great prices. Great haul, I'm so glad you were able to get the hash browns! Dinner looks pretty delicious too. I need more pickles in my life :)

    1. They do have good coffee for cheap! That's where I go when I need that extra caffeine!
      Pickles are one of my favorite foods! I remember as a kid I hated cucumbers but I always loved pickles!

  2. Woohoo for cheap hashbrowns! I hope they are good!

    1. I hope so too! They look really tasty so I have high hopes!!

  3. Nice deal on the hashbrowns! And that looks like a really fun meal!

  4. great deals! I've heard a few people say that they've had some luck with 7-11 with vegan finds! That's cool! The bowl looks amazing, too! YAY!


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